
Overall, immigrants to Canada have been better educated since the Points System was implemented than they were 45+ years ago . They tend to have middle-class, professional backgrounds, come from cultures with less individualistic foundational principles, and can communicate in one of the official languages. Most of

US incarceration rates went up substantially in the 80s with a corresponding increase in crime rates. Then incarceration rates continued to climb in the 90s while crime rates dropped. It's very difficult to link crime rates to incarceration: http://www.sheldensays.com/Res-sixteen.htm

How about "I have lost everyone that I care about!" (4:20) Lady, millions died when the power went out, and billions more died without the infrastructure of industrial farming and transportation to feed them. EVERYONE has lost people they care about. Your suffering is hardly unique.

I'm betting when all the girls growing up on Hunger Games and Twilight (yes, it might be horrible but a lot of geek boys' properties from the 80s and 90s aren't much better, and anyway it's a gateway drug to better forms of geekery) right now are old enough to be tastemakers and creators of media, female geekery will

Someone else who remembers that show. Yeah, War of the Worlds was something like Fringe in the first season: hunting down the aliens among us that no one knows are there. Then in season two it became some kind of dystopian cyberpunk near-future. And in the process killed off the two best characters! I wasn't a big fan

Didn't half the writing staff of Buffy the Vampire Slayer end up working on that show?

Ever read Alan Weisman's The World Without Us? He has a sidebar called "The Pampered Predator" wherein he speculates if all human beings were to disappear, within months our housecats would commit near-genocide on the songbird population.

Not only was Hawkeye's appearance in Thor a glorified cameo, I'm pretty sure it was filmed long after the shooting on Thor wrapped. He does get one of the best lines in the movie, though.

It goes back further to early 20th century socialist and anarchist movements. Maybe even earlier than that.

Same reason villains in genre movies always have a symbol reminiscent of a swastika. No real-world would-be tyrant hoping for good PR is likely to use anything of the sort, but it's lazy visual shorthand for "these guys are bad". Likewise, the raised fist has been a symbol for "Fight the Man" for almost a century.

Clearly it wasn't enough for him to invent internet catchphrases, he also had to completely revolutionize naval warfare and the naval service!


"Flash, I love you, but we only have fourteen hours to save the Earth!"

We'd only invade you for your superior online TV streaming options: "Give us your Hulu or die, Yankee scum!"

Of course! Glass prisons are made solely for the purpose of facilitating escaping inmates. Just like SHIELD has a flying carrier only so there's a chance of falling. Thanks for enlightening me, good Dr. L!

an = "not" + archos = "ruler"

"Anarchy isn't being out of control, it's being out of THEIR control."