
I picked up Dark Souls 2 in a recent PSN sale. I’m sure that if I play anything it’s gonna be that.

I have played Star Trek Legacy (360). I should not have.

For years I watched E3 and hoped for word on The Last Guardian and Shenmue 3. It made it so every E3 was disappointing.

Just give me an andoird phone app for the card game already!

I really love that they have supported this game so much, even after the poor sales. I do kinda wish SOME of the DLC had been single player though. I’d have gladly paid for it.

But why is that a bad thing? We still get to play the same game and pay the same price. We just need to use a dif (free) service, one that many people already have on their PCs.

Yeah, plus E3 is right around the corner and I’m sure they could use a thing or two to brag about.

Hopefully the “new card game app” is an android phone version of the game client.

I hear you. And you really may very well be right. But, Nintendo.

Calling it right now; Mario Oddyssey will be delayed and a port of 3D World will take it’s place for the fall.

I don’t have a ton of disposable income. I keep up with my bills (more or less!) But there’s not a lot extra.

I find myself reconsidering every game when I hear it’s coming to Switch. I haven’t played Thumper but I feel like it being on Switch is a good enough reason to consider making it a priority.

Surprised FastRMX and Snakepass didn’t make the cut.

I remember someone once saying that Xbox owners were “choosier.” That they didnt mind waiting a bit if it meant getting the best console version of a game.

I never buy controllers at full price. For me, 40 bucks is about the ceiling I really want to pay. I can be talked into 50 in the right circumstance. But more than that and it’s just not woryh it to me. 60 is too much. 70, to me, seems lile MUCH too much.

To twll the truth, im confused. Why does Nintendo care if glitched levels get uploaded and become popular?

I played around with a pro controller at a game stop and fell in love. You’re totally right, it’s a great controller but it’s also 70 bucks. Not only can I not afford that, I just can’t pay 70 dollars for a controller on principle.

I really love it, I do, but there are some things I’m still trying to get over. I should also note that I only got the system in the last week.

To be fair, so was Mario 64 and that game didn’t quite hit 100% attach ate if my memory is accurate.

1) Hearthstone. I’m at 487 wins with the Warlock class so I’m gonna make that final push to 500.