
I was really excited for this game but had a terrible time with the visuals. Everything seemed so muddy and dark.

I was actually surprised at how much I really hated this game. I don’t always like what’s critically acclaimed (not a big Last of Us fan for example) but I can usually see where they are coming from. This just felt like a flat out bad game.

Anyone else feel it’s a little dumb to lump role-playing games and MMOs together? Yeah, there’s a bunch that tick both boxes but there are many that don’t.

While I get your point about how they are unique games I actually think was more valuable than ports would have been. It’s more attractive, to me personally at least, to know that I can get a full, home-console quality, but entierly new, Uncharted game on my Vita.

They have but I really think Sony is under the impression that there’s nothing they can do to sell a portable. The Vita flopped with a similar marketing message the Switch is using ; play home console games on the go. We got Uncharted, Killzone, LittleBigPLanet, Wipeout and others but none of it mattered.

It was a full handheld. But someone sitting across from a Switch holder on a train wouldn’t see something too different from a person holding a Vita.

“No one’s ever seen a game console like this before.”

Plus, it’s coming. We all know it’s coning. The anger people are feeling is that it isn’t there RIGHT AWAY.

Does anyone remember if the Wii, Wii U, or 3DS launched with a Virtual Console?

Ehhh, not when you have to carry it with you.

Congrats man! Can’t wait to read it!

The Wii U sold about as poorly as a Nintendo system could and they still held on for 5 years.

So I understand the easy answer is just “buy a bigger card” but it’s stuff like this that makes me think I should wait a year or so for a hardware refresh.

The 80s kid in me can’t agree....but beast wars (and machines for that matter) were fantastic.

I don’t have a ton of time so it’s probably just gonna be some Hearthstone and Hitman Go.

Can someone clarify what a “history” is? Like, in game lore? Or is it something technical?

If you ever find a way there...can you take me with you?

Is it really crazy to wonder why Konami isn’t having OTHER companies make games from thier IPs? Like, they don’t want to make them but wouldn’t it be profitable to have some 3rd party make a Conta game or a new Castlevania?

Some people are wondering why the devs didn’t do more. Many cards that are big for Shaman are on their way out when the next expansion hits though, so I’m guessing they wanted to take the swelling down knowing the cure was around the corner.

This is really one of the most difficult things about making the Wii U. Nintendo has a reputation for doing what it thinks is best, even when everyone else doesn’t like it. But they DO have investors. I can imagine Nintendo could have also predicted that the success of the Wii was not something they could easily