
From the looks of it.... it has kept pretty much nothing.

Sadly, no. That is not Mr Campbell.

Apparently it does not (yet) anyway interface with android email apps to view attachments.

Does anyone know if this interfaces with the basic android email apps to view attachments? Or do you still need to get to a computer to pull it from your attachments into google docs?

Now playing

Pretty catchy song, but sorry, this is my favorite Sci-Fi music video of the month.

@Koztah: Do you mean the Virtual World with Mechwarrior pods? You know that the old Virtual World pods are still around and working yeah? They just aren't specifically at "Virtual World" centers. I just went to an arcade that has them in Southern California and rented a bunch of them out for the night for my Bachelors

And now you shall witness the power of this fully Armed and Operational Kinect Hacking Community....

@BubbleF**kingBuddy: I just found mine the other day. Neat little device that not nearly enough people experienced. Too bad the batteries in mine are dead... and it connects to a computer via a parrallel port... and the software to do so hasn't been updated since windows 98.... (le sigh...)

An entirely different kind of shotgun wedding.....

Looking it up... apparently 4,000 years before the prequels. (I was lowballing it extremely apparently)

Maybe I'm confused, but as KotOR took place like many hundred years before the prequels... just how were they going to justify his appearance?

So, is this the big industry first that Sprint was bragging about or what?

@DukeOfPwn: Seriously. ZGI was absolutely awesome and hilarious. From the installation screen to the very end it had me laughing.

I'd probably watch this and if it was decent, I'd consider it a prequel to Jeremiah. (Which I loved). Even if I have to ignore major plot points in order to make it fit.

@Twil: An excellent question to which I haven't the slightest clue. Also, I am not sure why there are overlapping days in the zodiac calendar? Do the signs change at noon on that day? or...???

Now playing

So for those of you that are curious, here are the new date ranges, in standard Gregorian Calendar... and the Discordian Calendar

@Paincakes: I have that poster rolled up in the corner of my office at home.


Heavy Rain - Dozens of little moments, really. I'm not sure I can narrow it down. The decision regarding Nathanial early on, playing the piano while struggling with the case and the drug addiction, Doctor Death...