
@webdevmike: Not really. The Behold II, despite what Samsung may claim, has specs that could handle 2.x, but Samsung won't upgrade it. I wish I had bought an HTC and not a Samsung phone.

Seems nice, but after this Behold II, I don't think I could risk buying another Samsung product... at least not without waiting a 6 months to see how it's sales are.

Natal doesn't work because this is an add on. It's coming out after the XBox360. But if they want to keep with the whole being born thing, I believe the new name is quite obvious: Microsoft AfterBirth

I look forward to the director's cut featuring an additional 43 minutes of mineral scanning.

I played the original version of Monkey Island (EGA version, baby!) through a PC speaker and I really liked the tune that plays while you're at the circus... so I was excited to hear it more fully instrumented when I got my first sound card... and frankly I was let down.

While it didn't help me understand the game any better, I seem to recall the manual to SimEarth have a lot of silly jokes through out in... playing with the "this page intentionally left blank" messages and of course tons of llama references.

I think I'll just hold out for Wipeout: The Flamethrower.

Who listens to 5 hours of radio a day? Conservatives (Hannity, Rush, Levin, Beck, etc...)

"Dammit, Melinda!"

Where was this guy 5 years ago when they should have renamed Microsoft Vista to Microsoft Blowjobs.

It's like Super Mario Galaxy, but with less capitalist pigs!

@murat8: Once the manufacturing equipment is bought, it costs about the same to produce a blu-ray disk as it does to produce a DVD or CD.

I always figured it was an artifact left over from the days of cartridge based games. Near the end of the NES era and through the SNES era, the more advanced games required more physical memory as well as specialty chips, which drove us the manufacturing costs… I recall some SNES games were as much as $70. Once we


Somewhere I have a stack of xeroxes that show every possible position of that Dial-A-Pirate wheel. I also remember going with my father or a copy shop to see if they could find a way to copy the SimCity code sheet (which was black ink on really dark red paper).

@SAKY: Actually once you get beyond the upfront costs of new equipment, it costs about the same to make a blu-ray disc as it does to make a DVD disc.

A large reason for the price drop was because of the cost to manufacture the games. Cartridges require memory and other physical components where as a CD is just a CD.

I think there is something to say about the progress from text-based dialog to spoken dialog. Maybe it's because I got older and my sense of humor changed, or maybe the writing is less funny, but something got lost when Monkey Island 3 introduced spoken dialog. I suppose the ultimate test will be when I play the

@Quote: Does that matter? I mean, you can get Guitar Hero for the 360, so that means they do allow 3rd party components to connect to the 360.