
Haha, I don’t have any tattoos. Though I have considered laser removal but just for my hairy arse crack XD

Im not sure mutilation is the correct term. Definition wise it doesn’t seem to fit.

Ha. No. From Malta.

Says blinker fluid.

Not covered myself, but the guy who employs me in a very successful company is. Oh and so are my Nana and Nunu. Actually I’m the only “cleanskin” in my family; as my family calls me haha

Since we are judging people superficially, I assume you are an alleged sexual assaulter?

Untapped? yes. Large? I dunno.

Came here for this

I love that you are still in love with Australia.

Brilliant, from Victoria myself **coughbroadmeadowscough** but the sheer quality of the work made me assume it was by the book. But yes, it has always made me laugh at the Vic system, once it is registered, as long as you never get canaried it is wink wink street legal wink wink.

Must not have been easy getting that registered in Vic!

Now playing

You would love the RB scene in Australia.

Now playing

Except in Australia where RB30 blocks are plentiful, found in R31 Skylines, VL Commodore and GQ Patrols. They easily accept RB25/26 heads.

And too think the Aussies shoved an LS2, T56 and some Brembos on that thing in the 2006 HSV VZ Clubsport R8

And here’s what they did with platform in Australia.

Added level of comedy...

Exactly. Let’s stick drivers in difficult to control, but still safe identical vehicles that will provide some genuine entertainment and leave the engineering innovation to the robots. I was fully against the whole article till this exact thing clicked in the last paragraph.