There was definitely one VY Commodore in there. But yeah, the VE was a Caprice.
You mean the original video in the article shows people relying on Electronic Stability Control to not crash?
Bloody Commodore drivers are the same everywhere!
Glad someone pointed him out!
Ever seen a meth head pass out WHILE smoking meth? Stimulants only work for so long.
But how else will you separate yourself from the sea of Commodores lol
Probably rarer than a 458.
Does putting an LSx in a car that has never had an LSx put in it, make that unique. No, it means you applied a already existing trend to a different car. No different to the stance scene trying to out-rare each other with the cars they modify.
Yeah, but we were talking about the manufacturer and now you are talking about the customers so I guess there is no point continuing.
Or you know... people by the kits so the kit maker makes money. That is the point of a business right?