As always though.... Australia does it best!!!
As always though.... Australia does it best!!!
Good point.
Wow... do they also build in the US? Because we don't seem to have the same trouble here in Australia, ah well, I guess it is like most things, everyone sends the shit stuff to America.
because straight out the headers a methanol v8 sounds the same 20 metres away as it does 2 metres away
It's obviously the passenger
Ummmmm....obviously its the passenger taking the photo....
ummm...it has been a long time sine Rovers had a reputation for being unreliable... Like...since the DiscoII times...keep up with the times dude. Leaky? Did you see the picture or read the article I posted?
That's fucking brilliant mate.
I was shocked when I first found that out too, it makes a big difference when talking about say a 1000bhp engine and a 1000rwhp car.
Back in the day 30% drivetrain loss was the standard snow its usually somewhere between 15-30%. So yeah, nothing to see there.
this is all that the complaints sound like to me
Well if he has a mental disability he is doing a damn fine job.
You also realise that they are not supported in their own country right? As in ordinary Saudi's don't approve of these activities.
Yeah I am not supporting what they do either, it just makes it somewhat easier to understand why. I think the fact that most young men don't need employment due to generous government stipends doesn't help either. (basically, unless you are a professional or something like that, you may as well not work)