
Why: Huge global reach and great controls for selling many things. Not the end all be all it used to be but still great for specific items that are expensive and easy to ship.

That D-Link Router is $80. Do you have it somewhere for $70 or was that just an error?

Well apparently Apple Pay is broken on it even though it's advertised all over their site. Maybe it's just with this deal it doesn't work.

I've never even heard of Gyft before but they accept Apple Pay so that's cool.

It's like all the other horrible statistics. We know about them. We expect them. It shouldn't infuriate us any less.

This. It does tend to skew towards females but I don't understand why anyone is against gender equality.

Right? Can they legally charge you for something you don't order? If they bring you something you didn't order, they can't charge you for it.

I think you're right about that. It's supposed to be an additional recourse and not a separate one.

Thank you for the answer.

My question is, why are we letting the schools handle rapists? Isn't that what we pay police departments for, besides protecting us from black people and keeping them from killing each other with big guns that could be used to win a war? Seriously...we have a real problem here with sexual assault and, sure, the

Can we have some the badass female completely kick his ass and then ask him to talk about delicate females?

They do not. Even when they did, they usually threw a Bridge in for free and still do if you really want one.

They do not. Even when they did, they usually threw a Bridge in for free and still do if you really want one.

Does Gizmodo still have the same love/hate relationship with Amazon that I do? I mean, they're great, but a lot of what they do is really bad, most importantly the way they treat their employees. Of course the diapers.com thing shows how their long-term plans to knock competitors out of business and then screw over

Does Gizmodo still have the same love/hate relationship with Amazon that I do? I mean, they're great, but a lot of

I was about to say, gave them the vote?

You know what's even more depressing? That there are that many sex crimes to begin with. Holy fuck that's depressing.

I agree. Sexuality and nudity are shown as something to be ashamed of, instead of natural things in the right time and place. Being someone's mother does not mean you need to be MORE ashamed then you already are. Not a fan of KK, but in this case Naya is totally wrong.

I don't really believe this, but it seemed an appropriate thing to say.

Thanks! Grabbed a 32 GB one.

Thanks! Grabbed a 32 GB one.

It baffles me that law enforcement leaves it up to the colleges to handle this. In the Daniel Kopin case, why wasn't in sent to prison for rape? Do the colleges just say "hey we got this" and the police are cool with it?

That's a good idea. One thing that has made me cook more and eat out less has been my celiacs diagnosis. Especially when it comes to fast food it's hard to find places.