Falconback Horsery

Have fun finding a decent case for it, though I'm sure Ernie Ball will make one and charge you a shit-ton.

I don't know quite how to feel about Sunny being this high concept.

"…made her a worldwide megastar, leading to fame, fortune, and, as she later revealed, lots of trouble."

Not recorded, the reporter introducing himself to Lewis by saying, "I still think Slapstick Of Another Kind is your best film."

Always in style.

I'm going to go out on a limb and suppose that the films big twisteroo is that there are no more humans on Earth.
Everyone is a Replicant (some better models than others, that can pass the test, do complex labor/keep Earthbound society humming, and so forth).
Blade Runners were created just to keep the populace pacified

I think the fantasy world is filled with enough serious-leading shows, like everything on the CW and most of the stuff on SyFy.
The thing that sets Evil Dead apart is that it goes full on Stooges and Looney Tunes along with he horror.
It wouldn't be the franchise it is if Raimi had stuck to the tone of the first film,

If Tapert is working behind the scenes to make the show more "serious," I'm worried.
The thing that makes the show work is in it's excessive cartoonish moments.
The autopsy colon-monster fight, the possessed Delta, Bruce's (and his stunt double's) slapstick, those are the moments that stick with you.

Also worth noting is Lodge Kerrigan's In God's Hands, starring Maggie Gyllenhal and Peter Sarsgard which was completed and then unreleased due to the negative being damaged while at the mastering facility.

Except for Splash Country, I assume.

It's a damned shame that they decided to stack the supporting cast with some of the lamest young people stereotypes imaginable, the feckless boyfriend, the catty, promiscuous gay guy, the vapid actress.
The comedy is otherwise solid, Alia Shawkat is stellar, and the concept is good.
But, Christ, if this thing gets a

Goddamn (no pun), this show is pretty darn great.
It's doing a decent, if shallower, job of filling the horror hole that Hannibal left.

I dunno.
Stan's basis as a character just doesn't work.
Stan finds out his departed wife was protecting him and his town has a history of supernatural shenanigans and he just doesn't give a shit.
Because he's a retired crank and it's "funny" when he's disinterested and tosses off weak one-liners?
It's just stupid.

She would be better off with Doctor Mario.

Watching the Shining last month, I started wondering what happened to her.
She never seemed to be the type to crave the spotlight, so I figured she'd just receded from public life.
So sad.
Hope she gets the help she needs.

I've caught them all so far, but I'm bailing.
Not that anyone really pays attention, but the AVClub grade is too generous.
If Ash Vs. Evil Dead or Buffy is the A grade standard for this kind of fare, then Stan, just barely, deserves a low C.

"These crimes aren’t the stuff of Hannibal or Dexter."

Yeah, I tend to agree.
It's unfortunate.
One might forgive the low budget look/action if the character work/jokes were better, or vice versa, but, sadly, neither are up to snuff.
This show is just creaky and underdeveloped in every respect.

Watching CBS news last night, the only remark they made about Janet Reno's career was the Waco, Branch Dividian nightmare, which she said was one of the worst moments of her life/career.
Nothing of her accomplishments.
More like "BS" news, amiright?

It it always so absurd to trot out party leaders from a century(+) ago, like Republican's and Lincoln, as if the party politics and standards of Lincoln's day were anything like they are today.