Falconback Horsery

I think you misspelled "optical illusions."

I thought it was pretty god awful.
It's commendable to put topical allusions in your fantasy, but this episode did it bluntly and with the pitfalls of idiotic logic and boring action momentum.
I ended up wincing through the whole thing and feeling pretty bad for all involved.

Yeah, I love Park, but he is really off his game in Cut.
It plays a little too much to a director's fetish rather than being an effective story.

My favorite insult was, when being told to shut up and do the dishes, "Wash and stack, shit-monkey!"

It's not "bullshit."
It's a stupid, fucking zombie show based on a goddamn comic book, not some highfalutin realist drama.
It's not the dumbest thing they could have done, certainly not worth getting in a tizzy over.

The del Toro note is printed with a Ron Perlman watermark/security hologram.

Money = God.
I have no money.
There is no God.

The Comedy Bang Bang episode they did earlier this year, before that Y show, is fantastic.
It is probably my favorite CBB episode, an hour of solid riffing.
Mulaney is especially sharp.

At the very least, being on tv made Adam Savage go get his teeth fixed.
In the show's infancy his mouth was a horror show.

I was very interested in Track Of The Cat.
How can you go wrong with prime Mitchum and a cool premise?
But I found it pretty underwhelming.
Article is right saying it has the psychodrama of a stage play, and thats really the problem.
It's too stagey, largely locked in one boring location; boring because the

Haneke, Solondz, and Noe aren't trying to provoke their audience as much as tackle provocative material.
Audiences might not like where they want to take them, but there is some thought and subtext going on in their work.
Importantly, in regard to this article, it's not about making audiences react to them personally,

The only time I thought about rewatching any of the Trek reboot was to watch the two main Bones scenes.

Thats a really weird idea.
It's like Django-by-way-of-Three-Amigos.

Me too.
I find the fact that he's alive more shocking than the content of the clip.

"Gray Man" was a espionage term pertaining to ideal assassins and undercover operatives being average looking, schlubby, unassuming Joe's that could blend into the background with ease.
In other words, more Paul Giamatti or William H. Macy than Brad Pitt, Sean Connery, or Charlize Theron.
Oh, well.
I guess we will have

I guess his stuff isn't streaming, but if you look for DVD's you should find tons of Miike.

He also has a pretty deft hand at gentler movies.
Bird People of China and Young Thugs: Nostalgia are worth a look for magical realism fans.

I didn't have a license until I was in my thirties.
Like PFT, it became this weird part of my makeup, being a guy who did not drive but will someday.
Having a large group of friends certainly aided it.
But, man, when those friends started to migrate to other cities, I slowly felt the pain of being stuck in a town with

Dumb Damon was okay in The Informant!, but, yeah, even that film would have benefited from Dumb Clooney as the lead, or Dumb Steve Buscemi, or Dumb William H. Macy.

You cannot tell me he took a shine to that beige windbreaker and fogey sneakers, that his mom didn't have some of his clothes, that he wouldn't borrow or steal some better duds.
Then again, he was introduced wearing his junkie girl's tiny top, so maybe it is just a weird character trait.