
Mystery Heroes is a great way to warm up. Most of the regulars of the mode are super chill too.

The Dynasty is what happens when a manufacturer focuses more on functionality and less on fun. The elderly love fun cars, guys. Stop assuming they only want boring ones.

Its possible she put down the down payment and is making payments to her parents for the loan.

You don’t understand. That’s her first one. The first ones are precious to their owners. The least we can do is keep an eye out. The theif will learn what happens when you fuck with a Jeep owner.

You can buy one similar to hers for 20 grand. The kid busted her ass working for it. She earned it.

Does anyone else feel the need to visit Panera Bread?

I would finish your current projects before tackling two new ones.

I don’t think that’s the case. Pierce/Cain was distraught in the scene following him shooting the Sinnerman. If he was behind it, he would show no remorse.

Chrysler didn’t make a 4 door Wrangler in ‘97.

I was thinking the whole time, “Dude, you are wealthy. Fix her up. Restore her beauty.”

I think everyone has missed the point here. Chrysler doesn’t build the Jeep for fans. They build them to make to make money. Remember that increasing fuel prices killed the Hummer. Chrysler doesn’t want that to happen to a model that is so popular. They know that most people won’t buy a vehicle they can’t afford to

It’s not as bad as you think, but I would recommend staying on quick play until you are sure of your abilities. Comp is where the toxicity gets really bad.

Someone an 19 year old inedible packet of sauce for 15 grand. This doesn’t surprise in the slightest.

Blizzard is a company of gamers. Thier business decisions are made by for gamers. Thats why even 20 years after release you can still play Starcraft and Diablo 1 and 2 online.

It seems nice on paper, but the releaseing the source code to the public would end up breaking the game for online play. We’re talking cheats that even Blizzard themselves couldn’t block. Cheaters would swarm the game, non-cheaters would quit, and Blizzard would shut down the servers that have run the game for 20

How is this Genji’s backstory? He had three panels and 1 or 2 lines.

Is this guy on PC? Playing with him must be awesome.

That happens to me way too much.