
My Dad tells me he wants a manual Cayman S all the time. What else would I get him?

I was thinking about this the other day - why doesn't anyone make an MPV with driving dynamics a major priority, vis-a-vis BMW X5? The Renault Avantime probably would have sold a lot better if it'd had a few decent engines, all wheel drive and better steering and suspension.

Easy. Toyota Landcruiser 100 or 200 series.

I usually don't like green cars. Bad memories of early to mid '90s cars in dark metallic green have soured it for me. But I always feel a pang of 'I really want one of those in that colour' whenever I see one of these drive by. Same when I see one of the sedans or wagons go past too. Especially the wagons.

Special mentions go to;

What about the Italdesign Columbus? It had a BMW V12...