This is a 90k Dodge. Which felt strange typing by the way, but what about that sounds affordable?
But can it run Crysis?
No way this would still work at Wrigley. They’ve gone to all digital tickets on the MLB Ballpark app and the fancy 1914 club seats have their own Willy Wonka golden tickets.
Fiddles, lots of fiddles.
Same. Because I know who Robert Redford is.
This is satire, right?
Not that Trump has ever had the slightest semblance of style or grace, but in proper white tie, the waistcoat should NOT extend past the jacket front. See Prince Charles for the correct way.
Speaking of birthdays and age, I just discovered that Ken Bone was only 34 (and apparently going on 50) in 2016!
In comparing your video review to Clarkson’s, Clarkson is pushing the car about 10 times harder than whatever your Miss Daisy’ing about the track is. Any car that’s halfway decently engineered is going to fell “pretty good” at city speeds.
Nope, not trolling at all. Atkins diets aren’t exempt from the laws of thermodynamics. You still have to maintain a caloric deficit on Atkins in order to lose body fat.
Btw, the entire point of Atkins (and to a certain extent South Beach) is that you *could* eat more calories than you would theoretically burned, but your body just couldn’t process them all and would start depleting it’s fat reserves. How many calories do you think was in all that red meat that people were…
Calorie counting shouldn’t really be thought of as another diet though, it’s literally the mechanic of how fat loss functions. Atkins, South beach, Keto, Paleo, low-fat, low-carb, etc. can all work as fat loss diets as long as a caloric deficit is maintained. I find that by tracking my calories on a daily basis I’m…
Is this really how Weight Watchers works? Because this is a fantastic way to not lose weight. What’s to stop someone from eating as much “free” food as they want? People need to understand that there aren’t “good” or “clean” foods. There also aren’t “bad” or “junk” foods. There are only more nutritious and less…
Looks like terribly aged alcantara. But 1990 + Ferrari = mucho cocaine, also checks out.
As a guy in his mid-thirties, I thought the A-Force scene was super badass and gave me goosebumps. “On-the-nose” or “not earned” be damned.
I mean if there’s one thing Jay knows how to do, it’s suck.
I mean I agree, but it’s on the list of the 50 cars he was hired to steal.