Falcon Depth Brunch

I told everyone in my life that if they vote for Trump as a joke I will forcefully remove them from my life.

She’s right tho it was sexist thing to say I doubt he would have said “this would make a better porn because the dudes sound hot.”

I’ll allow it

Nope nope. I actually walked out of a theater once because the trailer was too scary. I cannot my bladder cannot take it.

I think that is probably for the survival of the species, no?

I know someone that degloved her hand in a car accident and lost 2 fingers nearly the whole hand. Degloving requires serious skill from a surgeon because it is basically repairing every single major structure in the degloved appendage or whatever.

He should have been. Where were his parents? Who the fuck allows their kid to do that to their pet?

So I’m not the only one that will not see a movie if the title is scary. Cool. Hold me?

Still on my do not watch list. I’m too young to have a heart attack.

What is this from so I can never watch it?

This is my clumsy awkward nightmare fuel. I need some more shame. Thank you.

I did not want to generalize but I mean if the shoe fits I’m glad it goes with that outfit.

Having seen first hand (lol) jimmy fallon’s type on injury. It is awful and horrid and definitely a freak accident. Why is this 911 call anyone's fucking business? And I chipped my tooth on a fucking jolly rancher last week

My parents divorce was hilarious but mainly it was me laughing maniacally because I did not have to hear them fight anymore.

God Christian man and sexist seem to be synonymous lately.

Get off my lawn!!

It’s an app. An app I cannot understand why anyone wants it. VHS sucked.

I’m glad i’m not the only person that knows she is a lizard.

I honestly read that name like 5 times to make sure I was not seeing things. That poor man.

She needs a fucking prison sentence and a goddamned shrink.