
I only used Tinder for a few weeks, but I never swiped. I always hit that green button. Always seemed way easier than swiping and I figured no one bothered to swipe when they could tap. Apparently not.

I remember watching Ally McBeal specifically because I refused to believe that was really in it. As I recall, I turned the episode off as soon I confirmed it was actually there.

My favorite is the “yes, this is dog” meme, even though it's not particularly versatile.

He definitely called Newton a badass, and the picture used in the meme is from that. Maybe he didn't phrase it exactly that way, but he definitely said it in some form.

I actually think the exact opposite about read reciepts. I can’t stand when they’re turned off. I’ll bug anyone who has them off to turn them on. I want to know so I know if I can text them. If I sent them a text 2 hours ago and it’s still unread, that means they’re busy and I should wait to send them more text if I

I assume you mean a strain made for illicit purposes, not licit?

Do people still actually use phone cases? There's no point anymore. I've had an un-cased iPhone 4S since the day it came out, I've dropped it on concrete before, and it never got any damage. Hell, I've dropped it a total of 4 times since I got it (yes, I keep track) and none of them have caused damage. Modern phones

Ah yes, I remember learning about angiosperms and gymnosperm in school, but the teacher made us call them “gymno” and “angio” because “the full words are inappropriate to say in school.” (ie, she didn’t want anyone saying the word “sperm” because she thought it was dirty.)

I seriously doubt we’d all be running on the same Internet if that happened. “Same” meaning the Internet we use today, not to man there’d be multiple Internets. It will have advanced so far by that point it’d be unrecognizable to us today. The concept of IP addresses may not even exist anymore by then. Assuming we

There would be problems doing that. It’s easier to just switch to IPv6.

This is true. I don’t work for Comcast anymore, but I did until February of this year. A lot of the business modems (don’t know about Residential, they’re a separate department) started pulling IPv6 addresses. It broke one of our troubleshooting tools, though, which sort of sucked until they fixed it.

Honestly, the difference doesn’t seem all that great to me. I wasn’t even sure which one was older at first.

I just never turned anything off and no one has ever said anything to me about it. Then again, the last time I flew was in 2012 and, before that, 2003; so I don’t fly very much.

Interesting. I feel strangely proud about this.

Honestly, I don’t even understand why people use emoji like that. We have words for a reason. It’s one thing to use a smiley such as :) to clarify or reinforce the emotional meaning of a statement, but I don’t get why anyone would want to use any of the others, they don’t have a point.

Huh. I thought Nokia was still making handsets. I didn’t even know they stopped. I need to pay nmore attention, I guess.

I’d really rather have a wax Dennis Ritchie, to be honest.

And this is why I’m still using iOS 7. I tend to lag so far behind iOS updates that I accidentally missed iOS 4 all together. (And only used 5 when I got a 4S and had to, because you couldn’t run anything older than iOS 5 on it.)

I find it weird that I never have seen any of these fake pictures in the wild, on this article or any other. These articles are always the first place I see them.

Why wouldn’t they? It bugs me when people go changing the homescreen around. I don’t see the point. You can have more than one screen of apps. It’s not like you only get one screen. I spend almost all my time using my phone on the second screen, where all my apps are.