Our quarterback actually said these words:
Our quarterback actually said these words:
UPDATE: The NFL has fined Ramsey for targeting defenseless players.
the judge should order them to tweet “croatoan” and delete the account
Would it help if I told you that Speedy Gonzalez is friends with my sister?
Bugs Bunny is a huge asshole and deserves to be at the bottom of the list.
You guys picked a knock off Wile E. Coyote over Marvin.
Harvey Weinstink
Tweetie and Roadrunner both suck. They are simply lame foils for the ingenious comedic stylings of Sylvester and Wile E. Pretty much true of Fudd, as well.
Pepe le Pew ahead of Marvin the Martian is the worst list disaster since the infamous Cereal Rankings.
21. Marvin the Martian (5.0)
Pepe Le Pew is a rapist.
Not sure if selecting Speedy Gonzalez last is racist or the opposite of racist. There is no middle ground here.
Marvin the Martian not being at least in the top five is a crime against humanity, and I demand a swift and savage retribution against those responsible.
Luckily for the Vikings, Josh Hader is just one state over, and has plenty of experience with offensive lines.
Adding insult to injury, Ronald McDonald and The Burger King released a joint statement deeming Schnatter “creepy.”
We should definitely not ignore the possibility that ANTIFA may be involved as well.
My heart goes out to this woman, and I know she is just looking for a way to cope with losing her kid and she just needs someone to blame, but this isn’t a packaging issue it is a not paying attention issue. There is no way to solve that.
It’s Millennials. Or Obama, take your pick
It’s not like I’m dancing on the girl’s grave, but by 15, you have to take some personal responsibility. I ALSO understand how a mother who lost a child would rather take up a (perfectly fine) crusade rather than think “man, Madysyn sure fucked up”.