Fake News! Sad

This sounds exactly like something Armin Tamzarian would do.

Fox News, folks, where the government can’t regulate guns but has to ban pot.

“Thoughts and prayers”

William, why would Morgan Freeman be put off by seeing himself in Lean On Me? That was one of his finest hours! (“That’s why I threw those bastards out, and that’s all I’m gon’ say!”)


We’ll Never Colonize Space

Point for being correct, and an extra point for actually using ‘literally’ correctly. Thank you, good internet person.

Isn’t this literally what the Fantastic Beast movies are? The first one was pure tripe and the next one has Johnny Depp playing Wizard Hitler so I’m not holding my breath on it being much better.

Justin Timberlake’s Lemonade Around The Corner Where Fudge Is Made

When i watched the teaser I was like “oh I get it”

The vibe it’s putting off game me the same vibe the lemonade shit then...singing then some spoken word, kinda sad/somber tone on it, and the standing in the lake with muted colors and staring into the camera like hes on some THIS ALBUM IS REAL NOT NO POP SHIT but will

Can do!

Eh, you are at best only partly right.

Also Ron. That guy is a real dick.

Please tell me more things you hate.

There are problems now, sure. But when was it better? During the vast majority of human’s existence, where there was no law and anyone could be raped, enslaved, or killed by other groups (not that it doesn’t still happen but you know what I mean). Or before 1800 when childhood mortality was over 40%? Or when rights

I’m disappointed that this doesn’t touch on the one thing we all really care about: which commentors your parents like best.

Trump is an idiot (who somehow Gumped his way into an election against an even worse candidate), but if you’re honestly this petrified in the age of iPhones, self-driving electric cars and sparkling bottled water, I don’t know how you could have managed to drag yourself out of bed in the 80s and 90s.

Why can’t middle aged guys admit that they don’t care about new music anymore? There’s no shame! I do very little to seek out new music now, and sometimes that bums me out, but I don’t blame the music industry or musicians or kids these days, I just blame the fact that I’m not a teenager anymore.

We survived Carter, a rapist and a community organizer. We will manage through Trump.

Scentless Apprentice is SUCH an underrated song. Also you do look like a psychopath in that horrendous jacket. See? I pay attention!