
Speaking from personal experience, the DoD is an *extremely* hostile work environment for anyone who doesn’t toe the Fox News line. This article rings very true for me personally. Some of us weren’t drinking the kool-aid, most coworkers rabidly right wing.

There’s a lady at my pool who has a picnic basket full of products that she brings into the shower with her. It’s gigundous. I noticed it because I’m disabled, and she walks right past the sign on the only accessible shower that says “Please leave this shower for those who truly need it” every time. She stays in it

Is there any way you can get this fellow in the video in touch with Donald Trump, like to sit him down sort of a deal?

Yes, I can think of all of this as my new hobby! Learning to sew, too, so I can have stylish, well-fitting clothes for once in my life.

Reading the comments blows my mind. I wash my face with soap and water. If my face gets dry, I put the extra Queen Helene’s Cocoa Butter from my hands on it. If I get a super dry or itchy patch (what would be “ashy” on a darker complexion) I slather some Vaseline on it and it’s gone in the morning. I’ve missed out on

I need this cautionary tale so much right now, thank you. I am 52 y/o and planning on making my first visit to a Sephora in LA in about three weeks. I have no idea how to put on makeup, because I had such a shitty childhood. So I need to enjoy this new thing while not swan diving into poverty.

So if I want them to stop stealing my bras, should I start wearing makeup?

I didn’t think I was going to like BB either, a show about meth dealers. Holy crap was I wrong. That is a phenomenal show. Goes way beyond the crime drama to multiple parables on humanity.

Check and mate.

You’re not saying a real one, right? Like an actual artifact was destroyed? Let me grab a barf bag in case you say yes.

Great minds work alike!

I once had someone non-ironically tell me, “My pastor told me NOT to open my mind, because that’s how the devil gets in.” I managed not to ask her what if he’s in there and can’t get out.

Men always think the most beautiful woman in the room (because for them, that seems to be an automatic assessment) has some sort of superpowers. They whine about “female privilege” all the time.

Honestly I’m losing my weight now and I feel ready to deal with it. Last time I was thin, Beyonce wasn’t a thing. Kim Kardashian couldn’t have become a thing, because you had to be built like Cheryl Tiegs or you were disgusting. That didn’t stop men from hitting on me continually, it just meant that was interwoven

Or Exhibit A, Rosie o’Donnell. No coincidence Trump can’t stand her. Although I still get hit on as big as I am. I haven’t worn mascara in years.

My big old thick cut body would rock that for real, in a private situation.

She seems to have had several drinky-winkies in the bag. When I worked as a firefighter/paramedic, being attacked by drunks in this way was pretty much always white people. Just saying.

Hey, can you guys do a story about this guy? Maybe while the celebrities are taking the week off? It’s a pretty kick-ass video, restores my faith in the world and in Trump supporters in particular.

Have you never seen Better Call Saul?

Thank you. It kills me that people still hate this poor family.