
Samsung Google Nexus (474 in tigerdirect) :¬)


So far? It still half baked... for persons who don't know what an Ipad or a Xoom is, its a trifle complicated.

So essentially, they proved mathematically that the "woosh!" in Star Trek when the ship goes in and out of warp drive is not just "real" but really really dangerous. Huh. Uh... who is their unobtanium dealer?

How about using imo.im?

Insert cue to a obscure british tv show called "The Avengers" episode name: "The Cybernauts". Mr Steed, Miss Peel...

@Bradfordson Anything from Troma Movies.

Has anyone has Cyanogenmod itch recently?

Blade Runner, Star Wars, these are just two of the influence The Incal has given. Would love to see it in film, but I doubt it could be properly developed in a way that gives Moebius justice.

So Robert J. Sawyer got it right? Well whadda you know... (The Neanderthal Parallax Trilogy includes a stranded Neanderthal , but, without giving out much, is like WHOAH).

@Ophuk: Think "Uncanny Valley".

Quick. Tell to G' Kar.

Ah. True Blood(c) now in O- . For the vampire gourmand.

Or that you have experienced a quantum universe or iteration (shrugs)

Well... from what I can see, the sound when the lady in blue moves her lips is her voice, the vibrations in the skull indicate that the sound would correspond with her own voice, and although she speaks properly (speech therapy), the device after the implantation has a learning curve. And about the response to

As a matter of taste, I would not have it. But then again, some of the really interesting android cellphones and tablets require budget and nag from the missus.

Well, if someone finds "just" WIFI less accomodating, then having a Froyo or Gingerbread cellphone would ease any misgivings (and activating the "hotspot" feature of said cell) , if not, having a MIFI or a wireless hotspot could do the trick. If it worked for the Ipad 1 and 2... and the "other" androids... I might be

Just In time. I have a lot of Data to backup.

That looks like an Acer A500. Just sayin'