I only have it every 5 years, but I’m raising my mug to Henry Weinhard’s.
I only have it every 5 years, but I’m raising my mug to Henry Weinhard’s.
Totally missed the best.
At least Microsoft is proudly carrying on Nokia’s tradition to do so.
I would like to screen your bedroom and bathroom with surveillance cameras. Don’t say no.
Clear Eyes. Full Hearts. Can’t Lose.
‘Invasion of Planet P’ from Starship Troopers doesn’t get enough love
So here’s my takeaway: you’ve never actually used any Windows Phone, and you just made up this entire review straight out of your ass. How do I know?
The only Tranformers movie.
Nothing I like to do more than lie back in my recliner with a cup of hot cocoa and a copy of the Airplane! screenplay...
Releasing DLC that expands on the original game and provides a wealth of new content = Perfectly fine.
Either the principle and police really thought he built a legit bomb, and so stupidly did not evacuate the school and take the necessary precautions, or they wanted to feel like big men strong-arming a brown skinned boy.
If you are a cat owner and you let your cat roam the neighborhood, you are an asshole.
“The Taken King sounds promising as hell” But then again, Destiny sounded promising as hell.
Please, give your rights away to the feds. I’ll watch with my popcorn and Coke.
The Fractural
Yup. It’s what big government calls “Positive Rights”. That’s their name for writing laws that spell out exactly what government is allowed to do TO citizens. It’s the opposite of the Bill of Rights, which tells government what it CAN’T do.
A part of me wants to master the prision, get all the loot, and hit max level. The other part of me ask why. Why get new gear to play the same old strikes and patrols and enemies. Without anything really new in the game, just why.
Oooooooo...yea....the old one looks better.