
cops, can’t live with them.. can’t live with them

if they are both victims and they are both abusers then their punishment is...

it works because the mainstream media treats it like news and reports on it.

why wouldn’t sensible people love an immigrant with a disability in charge.

it’s not even a statue of Terra. it’s a statue of a lot of other stuff with a small Terra on top of it..

this is the kinds of thing that makes Elden Ring 10/10

seems like it will somehow manage to be worse than even Inquisition was

what’s the trick to using grease?  it is grey in the inventory to use it

buy a hot, new set of underwear.”

just push out an update once a year that says hi.

can’t be any worse than critics of something are treated now.

when we find certain weapons that might get a little out of control, we want to make sure that we rein in the fun people are having”

you can’t make the choice for everyone though, but you can choose what to call yourself

no idea why borderlands was rated M.  it didn’t really have anything controversial

it’s what he likes.

better be virtual console games for sale and not stupidly tied to subscription

that looks way harder than godfrey

gamers eating vegetables..?

this is the person who thought interest only mortgages were a good idea

borderlands loot was usually useless, rarely better than the gun you have.