Yahoo! Send some of those vibes over to Louisiana. :)
Yahoo! Send some of those vibes over to Louisiana. :)
I just have to take a moment to brag that my (relatively) small MS town officially passed a resolution to recognize LGBT as full citizens and renounce this kind of legislation. Apparently almost 60% of MS residents under 30 support marriage equality and 64% of residents support making sexual orientation a protected…
Whoa. Granted, I never read any HST and all I know about him is that we share a birthday. But you'd think this sort of information would be common knowledge! Goddamn. I have some reading to do on that asshole.
You are right on. There are PLENTY of pics of hot women out there for their pleasure. This is about non-consent.
Right? I mean, we make jokes on here all the time about "whoops, my pants!" in reference to Tom Hiddleston, Idris Elba, etc. But they are jokes, hyperbole intended to get across that we find this gentleman very attractive indeed and if said gentleman proposed an assignation, we'd go for it.
How the hell did this idjit ever get out of grammar school? I wouldn't give him a job watering plants. He'd end up arresting the ugly plants as potential rapists.
Yeah, dudes tend to get bold when they go on a mansplaining run. After he dismissed my statements referencing actual research findings, I just pretended like I was talking to a child.
And you know these are the same people who judge whether or not a victim is actually a rape victim depending on how attractive they think the victim is.
No joke. What's terrifying is that clearly for many people rape IS a contingency plan to "getting some." As though rape and sex are remotely the same thing. It's like saying baseball and football are the same sport because they both take place on fields.
According to court documents filed in Los Angeles last week, Sharper drugged 11 people — 10 women
A person who is clearly not socially intelligent enough for said job.
Yup. It's like people genuinely believe that certain celebrities are able to get anyone they want when they want, because you'd have to be blind to say no or something. It's gross.
My mother-in-law is a social work trainer, and she basically says that just about everyone who is a pedophile or commits sexual assaults against the elderly or mentally handicapped is the nice looking person who does so much for their community and has an "amazing" family life. I can't imagine it's any different for…
Rapists do not want to fuck. They want to rape.
I'm surprised some of these folks are bright enough to type. Perceived good looks and the ability to woo women has nothing NOTHING to do with being a rapist and anyone with an I.Q. over 11 knows it. Ted Bundy is a perfect example. While he wasn't the Clark Gable type some fantasize him to be, he was technically good…
There is a new case from Miami.
Now, now, ladies, let's not make too big a deal out of this. I mean, it's not like he yelled in a post game interview or is gay or something.
I love my house and the fact that it's only 2 houses away from the Mississippi in a gorgeous smallish town. I don't love that it's a white enclave. At my place of work there is ONE black person. Sadly, he's the only black person I know (IRL at the moment - I was in the Army and none of my Army friends live anywhere…
I was wondering when Jezebel would chime in on this (Deadspin as been all over it). This is SO MUCH WORSE THAN I THOUGHT