They're violent misogynists who advocate the rape and abuse and stalking of women. I'll paint them with whatever fucking brush I want.
They're violent misogynists who advocate the rape and abuse and stalking of women. I'll paint them with whatever fucking brush I want.
Wait. Did you forget the sarcasm tag?
Yeah, and that's why when people advocate for castration, they're wrong. The rapist will blame women more———and want to hurt them more, too.
The same way Western rapists do. It's about power of life or death. Any guy who believes women are lower creatures is going to get enraged when a woman does anything at all. Look at MRAs and their rhetoric. (All rape accusations to them are false because bitches are "freaking begging for it," and everything they…
......and yet your first impulse was "not all 4channers!"
Women get the guilt anyway.
Yeah, show me death camps for men, or STFU. God, what a persecution complex these losers have.
Yeah, they really don't get that misogyny is NOT an aphrodisiac. Worse yet, I think a lot of them think that "get me a sandwich" is totally okay, so any woman who objects is actually "misandric."
They want pussy but they want power too. They think they can always TAKE pussy, but power is much easier if you're born with it.
The thing is, the whole system is male. It's bullshit that victims get shut down(unless they're gay). They meet open arms at every step of the way, often from men who think the bitch asked for it——-because in almost half the time, they do the same thing at home. Cops HATE the laws that require they arrest someone,…
"I know you are but what am I?" What the fuck are you, 12? Piss off, you pretentious little motherfucker. Carrie Underwood is a prissy arrogant twit and apparently your ambition is to emulate her.
Your fontanel never closed up, did you?
Christ, you're a fuckin' moron. Your little anecdotes, dipshit, are useless and idiotic because you are just another asshole screeching, "But women do it too!" What is it with dudes who think they're the first dude to say something?
What the fuck is with the list of "get embed code" or whatever that won't go away?
I'd be more impressed if Ewan McGregor hadn't defended Roman Polanski.
Judges and others are often eager to indulge in false equivalence———-and abusers love to claim they were abused.
I just had a ghastly thought: funerals. Coffins. Services. That shit is expensive. He killed them and now the survivors will be spending lots of that money just to bury the dead.
Anecdote is not data. Domestic violence, like rape, is overwhelmingly male versus female.
As many as forty percent of police families experience domestic violence. So the chances are good that she ran into a cop who might very well be the wife beater himself.