
Diddums, I'm going to be nicer than you deserve.

That's only what they say when the TV cameras are turned off.

Because women aren't people, silly.

He's probably FROM gawker.

Because some pathetic little troll boy is obsessed with Jezebel and thinks he's clever and so much better than all us dumb bitches?

How long before these anti choice assholes start actually killing women? I once talked with one of these slimebags, and told them that by denying abortions to certain women, they were in effect killing them. "So the fetus was going to die anyway?"

Fuck that lame excuse, sweetheart. "Mommy, everybody else does it, so why shouldn't I be a lazyass, too?"

I need to star this repeatedly. She's already told one person who nailed her for her smug self-regard to "pull the stick out of her ass" despite the fact that nothing more strongly indicates a rectal arboretum than critiquing emotional outbursts for grammatical correctness.

I was replying to YOU, sweetheart, for backing up the real asshole here, and ignoring the fact that this woman posted a heartfelt rant while the two of you high-fived each other over your superiority.

I'm sure they do. That kind of superiority is their thing.

Fuck off. That's exactly why you're such an asshole. Somebody's stressed out and you dicker over their punctuation. And you're telling ME to go away.

He's a gaslighting troll who's going to whip out some variation on "you're so emotional/angry/unreasonable/whatever" if you don't agree with his making excuses for these guys.

Hey. Asshole. I don't give a shit. I don't give a shit what THEY MIGHT CLAIM they were thinking. If you think they're going to say anything but, "gee willikers, judge, gosh, Iā€”ā€”-"

You know, the "it's better than" thing makes me realize how it all works together in their favor. Asshole guys make life SO much easier for other guys. They can be pointed to and described with, "Better than......" Somehow, "Acting like a fucking grown-ass man," is never on the agenda.

Yeah, so somebody who's stressed out rants at you and you correct her grammar. What a nice, sensitive charmer you are. Sometimes people who are freaked out don't consult Strunk and White's. Shocking, I know.

Hi. The stressed-out rant. Have you been introduced? And here's The Point: which you missed in your eagerness to be an asshole.

Guys like you are NEVER afraid of false accusations. It's truthful ones you assholes worry about.

Friends don't give bros a total pass on being assholes while demanding women always react to their behavior.

There are a DISTURBING number of people commenting who are defending these guys. "Should they be punished for life for mistakes?" (Passive voice is a BIG favorite.) "They just got swept up." (Instead of going for a vulnerable kid they knew they could intimidate or manipulate.) "The law doesn't apply to them, they'reā€¦

You know he's got his own show, right?