
Huh. I guess you're ignoring the way dudes and Reddit attack Jez and women? What selective perceptions you have.

YOu didn't get it from here, you asshole, and what you did trot out is ripped off from MRA sites, so stop lying like like the creep you are and own up.

It was horrible, no matter what. Now the little fucker is whipping out the classic list of bullshit "quotes" that MRAs like to try and "Prove" how evil feminists are, despite the fact that many of them are unsourced, come from novels, are fifty years old, or were dialogue uttered by a fictional character——-if, that

You have reading comprehension issues because none of what you say about this site is close to accurate at all. It is, however, quite popular among MRAs, who like to trot out fake or cherrypicked quotes from FIFTY YEARS AGO from NOVELS and FICTIONAL CHARACTERS and claim they're examples of current philosophy.

Considering that Paul Elam, who runs the biggest MRA site out there, advises all men to get on rape juries and vote to acquit no matter how conclusive the evidence of guilt is, you're not exaggerating. And that's aside from the fact that he has endorsed stalking and attacking women. Then there's Warren Ellis,

His problem was that 'women' weren't 'people' to him and he obviously expected them to treat him like the "superior gentleman' he felt he was. Women can pick up when a guy doesn't think we're human. It's pretty obvious—-and we're not in any way obligated to be the dude's therapist. Or mommy. Or sex toy. Or whatever.

Are you high? Being a creep is not something about yourself that you can't change. It's being a sexist asshole to women. You want to be an asshole, fine, but you'll get regarded as—-shocker, I know——an asshole.

My "favorite" was when the whiny little sumbitch declared that he'd give a shit about sexual harassment (or something, I forget) of women when they started to solve his problems (which were either imaginary of of his own whiny making.)

You say shit only MRAs are stupid and hateful enough to say, then you whine you're not an MRA. Thanks for playing.

They're probably that hateful little illiterate " real Texan something or other" dude. He tried to pull off all the same comments too.

Says the illiterate little MRA.

I really don't give a shit what you CLAIM. I really don't give a shit what you protest are your REAL beliefs———while you spew MRA bullshit. What I do care about is the claims you make about women and feminists and there you just quote MRA crap.


You're wasting your time on this one. They claim to be a rape victim themselves on one hand, but spout this bullshit on the other. Best I can say is that they're damned incoherent.

Bullshit, you lying fuck. That's nothing but standard MRA dickery.

Yeah, there is, dude, because guys like you are dismissing the MRA culture of hating women—-and how violent it is, just because it makes you feel better. Making you feel better is not my job and your little anecdotes are idiotic.

These guys aren't used to all the attention from women. They must be just about besides themselves.

Oh, well, your anecdotes are totally special and totally trustworthy, Internet Person!

Ooh look at cat joke! Oh my god how original! Never heard that one before! You're so witty and original. I can't imagine why you can't get pussy.

Yeah, thanks, you're spouting classic MRA bullshit. "All sex is rape."