
Um, men like you ARE trying to keep women from voting, working, and getting out of their "rightful place"————by forcing women into repeated pregnancies, thanks to the loss of birth control options, sex education, respect, escape from abusive men———-in other words, MORE guys like you———-all with forcing women into

Can the fetus hold a job? Take a walk? Vote?

Can the fetus vote? Hold a job?

You trolls need to do some actual work before you troll. The anti-choicers are notorious for nonsensical analogies like yours.

That's because you want to remain ignorant abd think that women are silly bitches who get abortions on whims.

"And a growing fetus ripped out of you"————but you're not anti-choice, you insist!

And you know this how?

So you think women are so stupid they don't even think about it, they just traipse in like they're getting a pedicure. That they don't think about it at all.

Look at all the assholes elsewhere trying to make an example of Solange Knowles. They refuse to acknowledge how much bigger men are than women, but now it's comical.

If you can't read this, much less understand it, shut the fuck up till you can, twelve-year—old. Your closing salvo proves me right.

And notice how Dad was teaching Sonny Boy the ways of harassing women.

There's been many cases where rapists turned to murder to keep victims silent. And then there's the case in Detroit, where testing their rape kits revealed the existence of a half a dozen serial rapists——-and one serial killer who started as a rapist. Those guys were not arrested. I guess those rapes didn't happen?

Fucking goddamned motherfucking kinja sucks donkey balls——-or rapist apologist balls. Wouldn't let me edit.

An acquittal does nit mean he's innocent.

The same uni that found him responsible? Good luck with that.

Nope, it only proves that arrest rates are not the same thing as reoffense rates.

You do realize they're only talking about arrest rates, right?

Oh, I love it when try this. Those percentages are based on arrest records.

Well, see, it's not rape when it's a nice rich white boy. And rape only "happens" in dark alleys.

Especially seeing as one of them was accused three different times. They expel for graffiti but not rape?!