
You are the perfect little neckbeard: eager to attack any woman that won't suck you OR suck up to you, even while you get enraged that the uppity cunts won't shut up.

Because treating oppressor and oppressed is equal!

Suck up to him some more, this is pathetically ignorant already.

Gay men still have male privilege. You think because you lack it in ONE area of your life your sexism is so different and special from sttaight dude hatreed of women.

Oh, diddums, you are THE most fun type of MRA. You refuse to talk to or listen to women because you don't have to, so you think your hatred of women is special and sparkly.

You're comparing slave owners to slaves. Are you REALLY that fucking stupid?

You are too stupid to live. Are te KKK and the NAACP morally alike? /

Because the KKK and the NAACP are the same?

Because "MRAs" aren't the KKK to Jezebel's NAACP.

Let me guess, white boy libertarian: you spend a lot of your time whining about "reverse racism" too?

Neckbeards who can't talk a woman into bed are pissed they can't fuck her over.

Wow, you looked at the comments! And a bunch of burner losers and rapist apologists convinced you! I'm SO totally impressed.

You're a troll who's registered just to bash Jezebel and the writer. Go back to reddit.

I could give a shit with your concern trolling and your opinion. You "don't think" that's what dudes are saying? You're one of the ones slamming the writer and the site with your ever-so-faux concern. Oh, dear, MRAs! Who gives a fuck? MRAs regularly stalk women and falsely accuse THEM but strangely enough the

A while back there was a rape case where lots of neckbeards eagerly declared that "the victim" was a bitch. She was an Israeli woman, the story went, who'd gotten an Arab man convicted of rape because he lied about his identity to get her to have sex with him. Outrage, howled neckbeards. Lying to bitches is a

The same readers who show up to declare that bitches lie and that rape charges are all bullshit? Thanks but no.

What do you call it, then, when the Church specifically and pointedly excommunicates mothers for obtaining abortions for daughters who were raped, while ALSO forgiving the rapists? I can think of at least two cases, maybe three, where extremely young girls (11 and younger) were impregnated by rape and the mothers

And yet it sanctifies women who die defending other things besides themselves and refuses women abortions and birth control when pregnancy will kill them. Not to mention the way they punish women who do choose abortion. If all life is equal then the fetus is at fault and deserves to be the one getting blamed.

And they're the ones who claim to be against abortion but......they're also anti-birth control, too. That's like being anti car accident AND anti-seat belt as well.

Except for that last paragraph?