
Ten bucks says she gets them whining, "But we don't want to be in the middle." But they're not in the middle. He harassed her, she did nothing wrong, and there's no middle. They're not her friends, but you'd be amazed how many people think it's no big deal to wave away all kinds of offenses against women

I wonder how actually common that is, and how much is "dude lied and/or changed his mind." Abusive men do this an awful lot but until recently it was always blamed on women.

I didn't apologize, you manipulative little castrato. But thanks for further proving what an asshole you really are.

Go back to Reddit, you pathetic little eunuch.

The only word that matters is you whining about unfair life is for dudes.

First of all, dickdrip, I don't give a fuck. I get to reply to whomever I want.

1. Black people are the descendants of slaves who suffer from.brutal discrimination to this day.

"Haters gonna hate"? What the fuck are you, dickwad, 12? Word gets around and little buttwads like you gdt relegated to the garbage.

You will now that I can point this out to everyone else.

And yet everything you say is an MRA talking point.

Did I quote you incorrectly? Nope, I was accurate. You're a troll and I intend to let everyone know.

Except women wind up more severely injured. Women wind up raped, stalked, killed. Women ALSO get blamed for what men do to them. And so on. There's no "both" here. These groups are not equal in offense.

You're cute. Wow, nobody has EVER tried to use that hoary old false equivalency around here.

Now is not the time for you to whine about the fucking friend zone.

" Most of us"? Think about this, chucklehead: if men are so fucking decent, how come so many of them are whining here———-not about this murder———-but how unfair it is to hurt mens' feefees? How come they're hectoring women about THAT, instead of trying to shut up, listen, and learn?

Thank you for outing yourself as a troll.

Gee, ONE whole woman serial killer. And your point? Women commit one violent crime for every nine or more that men perpetrate.

On this topic? About this victim? Fuck.you very much for this bullshit.

You're the asshole that blamed rape victims who didn't report for future rapes. Your chances are about all used up.

He's an MRA troll.