And you know THIS asshole blames female celebrities when some paparazzo lying on the ground or using immense lens catches a celeb without panties.
And you know THIS asshole blames female celebrities when some paparazzo lying on the ground or using immense lens catches a celeb without panties.
Let's play "Spot the false equivalency, Alex!"
Good question. There's a Dolly the Sheep joke in there somewhere, isn't there?
Oh, thank Gawd, the suspense of "When will the MRAs arrive ?" was killing me.
I'm not supposed to even know she's saying this shit. She kept it behind my back and make it even worse, she's saying shit that just didn't happen. I've been helping her for years——financialy———-and taken her side. But it looks like she hasn't been honest with me. She's been unemployed off and on for years, …
Gawd, what we do without some tedious purist to lecture us in the most patronizing way possible about shit we already know?
I just had one of my oldest friends stab me the back, because when I tried to help her I apparently committed the sin of not giving her a blank check. No she's playing the victim before other frIends, some of whom are buying it very eagerly.
It has been a spectacularly shitty day in which I tried to help an old friend and wound up getting utterly stabbed in the back. I think from now on I'm abandoning humans in favor of Hiddles posts and cat vids.
He got all squeaky-voiced with embarrassment when Elle magazine brought "trousergate", which was when he wore a particular blue suit for the first time at Cannes——-and it turned out to be very revealing. Although the real issue appears to be how to conceal more than anything.
I think it's so ugly people realize how inadequate their words are.
We need better fucking trolls. It's rape by definition, you ball-less troll.
He was on a chat show and the host asked him to do that speech. Fucker.
Some guys you look at and not only are they not marriage material, you want to just get it all out of the way and go straight to the divorce. This guy's face says, "When there's a vibrator shortage....."
It's tough out there for white, middle-class, college kids on vacation....
He dresses like a grownup and appears to genuinely adore Shakespeare. I don't even think he's that good looking, but he seems adorable and he has nice manners——-and brains. Plus his rep is that of an extremely nice guy. It's amazing how far that will get you.
1. How many did he get away with?
There's been studies that show that batterers' heart rates actually go DOWN when they're beating women. It's like a workout to them———and that's why they're so calm and reasonable when the cops get there. The woman, though, she's freaked out.
I think they really do believe it because they have to. The truth would screw up their self image. Don't get between them and what they want to believe about themselves.
Abusive guys feel like they're the victim because if the victim had just done her job, they wouldn't have had to "fix" her.