Shorter dude, who by the way ignores the predatory way these guys are trying to frame the situation: "Hey! Some of my best friends are: (Insert one subgroup here.)"
Shorter dude, who by the way ignores the predatory way these guys are trying to frame the situation: "Hey! Some of my best friends are: (Insert one subgroup here.)"
I don't have time to educate somebody who needs a full course. Go to "Feminism 1o1" and read everything.
I remember you. You're that rage troll who gets enraged whenever anybody dares point out that yes, indeed, Virginia, in the real world men do have advantages and they DO use them to exploit women.
You blame the victims, you say they have half the culpability. That's rape apology right there. You blame feminists for taking away young girls' agency, yet ignore the way these older sleazeballs are trying to do just that with booze. I'm quite happy calling you a rapist apologist as long as you continue to blame…
What makes you think people are not teaching this to girls? It's useless unless we teach a few things to boys as well. Just because girls aren't being listened to—-and that that includes you ignoring stuff you just don't want to hear, apparently——does not mean they're not trying.
Funny how you eliminate all culpability from the very people who are seeking out less experienced and less worldly people to exploit. You sure have a lot of empathy for predators.
Add "Voight Kamper" or whatever to the list. I think calling someone a 'retard' instead of arguing says it all.
You're substituting yourself and your experiences and opinions for the women in the story. What's NOT special about that?
There's a site that documents it called "The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion." I'd vote for this dude. Brains, honor, independence, backbone.....See Republicans? Give people this and you'd......well, are the nutjobs that important?
You are a disgusting excuse for a human being, you slime fucker.
In case anybody needs to really KNOW how sleazy and victim blaming RealTExan can get, he just posted a picture of Courtney Stodden and her four-decades-older husband with the caption, "Yea this dude was taking advantage of HER?"
What is WITH people ignoring that these guys are setting up women as prey? It's not about you——or your anecdotes about how YOU are or were special with regard to older guys. Seems to me that every snowflake protesting about agency is ignoring that these guys are doing their best to set up a situation where they can…
YOU'RE ROBBING THEM OF THEIR AGENCY, YOU HAIRY FEMINAZI. Dammit, I just used up all my Caps of Outrage over that. Seriously, I've got some angry Camille Paglia fangirl angrily typing at me elsewhere, hanging her argument on the fact that if these guys don't flat out admit something then it hasn't happened and can't…
Understandable. There's LOTS of nervous, anxious trolls defending the way these guys prey on much-younger women.
So I guess the tactic of the day is for the Camille Paglia fangirls and combover libertarian stud muffins is to ignore that these guys are deliberately seeking out much younger, much less experienced, probably less experienced with drinking younger women? To the point of leaving the country?
I don't give a fuck what's between your legs, you moron, because it's obvious what's between your ears is so lacking. Aren't you the special widdle empowerful snowflake, ignoring the fact that these assholes SAY they're deliberately seeking out women who are younger and less experienced—-AND LESS SOBER.
Jesus Christ. These guys are deliberately seeking out much younger women to prey on them. Nice try with the role reversal, too, as if older women don't get shit on for much less.
What is it with people ignoring the fact that these guys are <i>leaving the country</i> to seek out much younger women?
He's a troll. He's schmoozing with Skelatron, another troll. Just dismiss.