He's a troll. You're wasting your time.
He's a troll. You're wasting your time.
Jesus fuckin' Christ, JAQ off.....
So, basically, everybody BUT the pregnant woman or woman-who-doesn't-want-to-be-pregnant gets to decide her fate. Once she's preggers, strangers can knock wine out if her hands, businesses can refuse to let her breastfeed, anybody can do anything to her as long as they say, "It's for the good of the…
Don't even get me started on the story of the Widow's Mite.
Doesn't look like it. The larger percentage comes from reported rapes, apparently, and both articles seem to be pretty damned interested in bitching at feminists for being cynical about cops. If you're only going to deal with reported rapes, it's pretty damned close to cheating.
Shouldn't that be OH MY FUCKING ME?
Makes you wonder what their job really is, doesn't it?
Yeah, not to mention all that Commie shit about "feeding the hungry, healing the sick, visiting the imprisoned, tossing moneylenders out of the temple, entertaining angels, the least of my creatures," and all that other crap.
Well, what do you expect from a guy whose mom got pregnant out of wedlock and who had two dads?
That's what passes for subtle if you're a troll. They always give themselves incredibly significant, protests-too-much-names, too. Not this one so much, but there's ones with names that include "sincerity", "feminist", and "truth." Really subtle.
She describes what sounds like a blow to the head....as it would feel to someone who didn't know what happened. You wouldn't remember the blow at all. In fact you might not remember anything for several hours BEFORE the injury.
There's more than one?
???Nothing there.
Great. There's a troll, can you dismiss him? These fuckers only break their masturbation regimen to troll.
Can you dismiss the racist and boring troll?
Can we make sure to dismiss trolls? We have a new one named "Patriarch something."
Don't read my comment then.
You can probably find the quote. How many rape victims get called liars by ignorant cops who still have the power to ruin these women's lives?
The NY Times did a piece on the real Special Victims unit, which is almost all male these days. One of these guys said that if a victim asks for a female detective, “Nine times out of ten," it's because she thinks she can fool a female easier than she can a male, ergo....she's lying. I can't imagine why a female…
You have to see him in action. I had no idea who he was and then I saw some interview of his where he revealed both total dorkitude and extreme Shakespearian geekhood and....and.....