fairy godmother of macondo

I'm so glad that word-a-day calendar his mom bought him is being used.


It's interesting that when full grown white men in college do something criminal, they're 'kids' but when a black 12 year old is gunned down with a BB gun it's his own fault.

Where's the naked, passed out picture of his Thesaurus? I'm sure it did not consent to be used this way. Sheesh.

They don't have to do all the talking, but they must let their outrage be known.

I mean, I'm no scientist but I'll play one in Congress!

I reserved "a lot" in case the party bags contained Mountain Dew and AXE body spray samples. Likely, but unknown.

The mini-lectures really bother me when there is a line up at my table for a signing post-talk. You know that everyone wants to talk, and I will give each person a few minutes. There is usually 1-2 other people there assisting me, who will tell folks down the line if they need to jump the queue to take off to their

I'm a diversity educator/dean at an independent school and while I was in a meeting with other upper level administrators, I was pointing out some harmful sexist/binary/heteronormative policies that are in place at the school. This was a discussion where my voice never once raised in volume. I kept an even-tempered

I totally agree. It wasn't until I got a bit older, and tired of being held to a different set of standards then the men around me did it start to become glaringly obvious everytime I would be interrupted but the guys around me would not be. Even worse is when you're at work and a person with a lower status feels

I was thinking the same thing. If I was Schmidt, I would be pouring money on her. That takes some real chutzpah to point out the unconscious bias of your own VP in public... while the dude is sitting on a diversity panel. That's the kind of person you want in that position.

Even the comment, "I will allow you to finish" exudes unconscious bias, just sayin'.

She's not appropriating the culture of a different race, so probably never.

Okay, so the bacon really doesn't smell good to me, but I definitely applaud all the people involved here for their honesty. I'm very glad you found your own happiness!

I would only pay that much for doll furniture if it were carved by Lester Freamon himself.

Omg I guess I'm not winning. I just had a creationist.

I had one who fell asleep on me and then got mad when I crept out and later filed a complaint with the APA.

After years of being ridiculously depressed (Allie Brosh level depressed - ie numb, don't want to exist, etc.) - I finally got over myself and asked for help. My first session was earlier this week.

My first visit with my therapist, I barely said anything because I couldn't stop bawling. I managed to tell her how embarrassed I was about it, and she said "Why do you think there's that giant box of tissues next to your chair? You're hardly the first person to spend their entire first session in tears. You can

I'm glad I made the choice to seek therapy after my ex and I split in 2013. I was really devastated and most of the people in my life wanted to act like there was really no reason to be (there totally fucking was). It took me spending three solid weekends in a row in bed, just staring at my window all day to make the