fairy godmother of macondo

The picture of Old Conservative White Dude summer camp you painted here is going to entertain me all day.

There are many more independents and liberals here in the heartland than Mike Huckabee wants to admit. He already knows it but that just didn't fit on the banner that he fingerpainted with Scott Walker and Rick Perry during Arts and Crafts hour.

Yeah, just ask her about taxes and foreign policy.

This isn't anything new. Megyn Kelly has always been very aware and vocal about the discrimination she personally experiences, she just hasn't yet demonstrated the ability to expand that awareness to other people who experience other forms of discrimination. For example, a few years back, she smacked down a man who

As a representative of the "American Heartland" woman, in my forties, I hate to break it to M. Hucks, but we've been smoking, swearing, fucking, and drinking in the flyover states for quite a while now. Wearing pants, voting, showing our ankles, the whole shebang. It's like we think we're people or something.

I respect everyone's right to have their own position on the matter, but for me it has always felt distinctly anti-feminist and patriarchal, because it is a demand that women be treated like precious objects.

I get that shit ALL. THE. TIME. I'm a 26yr old woman living in China and studying for a PhD in applied linguistics and education (relevant point). I am CONSTANTLY asked if I'm married or have a boyfriend and once had an experience in a classroom of teenagers out here that left me feeling incredulous and just generally

I thought that part was weird. I don't know why we put such a high value on men opening doors. Who cares?

I mean...Mr. Panther has awesome hair, but that's like number seven on the reasons I want to marry him. Numbers one through six are his annual income, duh.

I think I understand what she was trying to say. There's a difference between changing things about your self/life because your partner is forcing you to fit some mold of what they want in a person, and making compromises to achieve a common goal with a person because you just truly love each other and want to be

Sorry but I think the "no baldies" shit some girls throw out is just as nauseating as the "no fatties" shit men do.

"I thought of all the things I wanted from a partner and became that person myself."

Ethan has awesome hair, is the most chivalrous man I've ever met, is brilliant, well-educated, ambitious, and makes me laugh.

Is it wrong that I get annoyed by women who demand chivalry? It comes across as very Princess Snowflake.

I think the most "prepare to be single for a very long time" standard I've heard from a woman was "he needs to never drink, smoke (anything), or watch porn, and needs to not be religious at all".

Timely. I've just written snarky replies to two well-over-my-age-limit men who figured they should be the ones to let me know that after reading my profile they're sure I'll never find a man. And my reply was "that's fine - I'd rather be alone than settle for some entitled old guy who'll talk down to me at the same

This is something I'm slowly realizing. My life dream was to be married to a great guy with an amazing career and I'd just take care of him. That was it. All I wanted. And then at 30 and a failed 9 year relationship I realized that it wasn't going to happen. So I went to grad school and started doing the types of

So my dream of a quiet, passionate, creative dude with long blonde hair isn't totally blown yet? Also, I can top re-dating: I wound up on an okcupid date with a guy in HS who lost his virginity to me when we were 15. Neither of us recognized the other, though, til he got on my facebook. THAT was weird.

Youtube is full of videos of people doing interesting things for not enough time and self-indulgent people doing straightforward, boring things for way too long.