
I truly believe everything you develop is a giant heaping pile of shit. You’re a shitbag, nothing more.

Holy SHIT, it’s YOU. You’re the fucking douchebag that said you’d stop preordering games when the whole Witcher 3 graphical “fiasco” happened. What happened there cupcake, you turned out to be a massive hypocrite after all?

And they’re really not crying that you’re gone. Get the fuck out and shut the fuck up. No one REALLY cares.

“most of the time these types of delays cost nothing”

Holy shit, the entitlement oozing out of you is amazing.

For fuck’s sake, can we stop using the term “people of color”? It’s a never ending false dichotomy that keeps getting perpetuated over and over and over again.

How about not differentiating people as whites vs the rest? Just refer to people as what they are. That would be a great fucking start. Just saying...

Fuck you too.

You do realize you can ACKNOWLEDGE that there are systemic issues within society without having to feel personally guilty about it, right?

I’m personally (and this isn’t just directed at you) tired of the term PoC. I’m a “PoC” but this still creates this false dichotomy of “whites” vs. “the rest”. We have to talk about white privilege because it’s super fucking real, but to continue to perpetuate this concept of person of “color”, basically continuing

You are full of shit. There is no way you ran Unity at actually maximum settings with a Phenom II X6 + GTX 970 (single card). Nope, bullshit.

You’re such a fucking idiot, read this thread. You lost. HORRIBLY. Yes this a necro, but it had to be pointed out how fucking stupid you really are.

You are beyond fucking stupid. Go die in a fucking fire, you stupid piece of shit.

And another family successfully scams Target.

You are fucking stupid. She had to even get one of her arms amputated and she cannot ride again. Are you really this fucking dense?

If you look at the list of injuries she had, the missing arm is the LEAST of her problems.