
Well, relative to the niche market, of course.

Why is every woman hard wired to just push all the vents to the most extreme position when the temperature does not suit them. Mothers, wifes, sisters, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!?!

Looks like my wife has been driving. I get in and wonder why the hell I'm still hot or cold, and it's because she's aimed the vents away...

If Marshawn was so good, why didn't he make it in on 1st and goal with one defender to beat. To busy grabbing his crotch. Low life scum.

Am I the only one that think that this "thing" look horrendous?

Done being a great Tier I QB, sure...but he absolutely still belongs in the top 10 of QBs you'd want to have going into next year. His "bad game" today is still a well above average day by the standards of half the league.

Healthier brownies? Why?

I got a concussion just from watching that.

"It's hard to imagine any team picking him up this late in the season, or ever again for that matter."

Honestly it doesn't have that much work done. Basically bolt-ons, a tune, 150 shot, and slicks.... very impressive!

thats really not THAT much work done to it. Compared to a fully built motor and forced induction. Injectors, 150shot on stock motor. Pretty impressive In my opinion

Don't get me wrong, I've been on record for a long time saying that I'd favor Floyd over Pac. But I do think that lightning left/onepunchbomb is the ONLY thing that gives him any pause. Otherwise he would have taken the fight a long long time ago.

That punch right thurr is what gives Floyd some doubts about fighting Pac.

it's going to be really sad for you when they're back in the finals by 2019. i'm sorry little buddy.

ive lost track how many times ive watched this

Great write up Patrick. I myself am thinking about getting a 2015 C7 with the Z51 package and 7 speed. I have heard great things about the automatic and your comments concur what what I have read and heard. I am of the opinion that that universe will implode if sports cars like the Corvette or Miata have an automatic

I hope you don't actually get paid for writing this. when someone asks what your profession is, do you ACTUALLY reply "I'm a writer" ?

Sonos Sound Bar. At 699.00, its not exactly cheap, but 4.5 Stars on 346 Reviews on Amazon. I have it in the bedroom (bow-chicka-wow-wow) and it works and sounds great. I'd reccomend it if you are already using Sonos equipment, and even if you're not, you should check their stuff out.

Sonos Sound Bar. At 699.00, its not exactly cheap, but 4.5 Stars on 346 Reviews on Amazon. I have it in the bedroom (