Nice try on leaving out the important details.
Nice try on leaving out the important details.
“Just because you got a shitty education and are confused. Its ok buddy, we all make mistakes and maybe you can’t just help it. Stupid is as stupid does, as they say... “
“Oh ho! here we go again! I see that your responses are starting to resort to simply name-calling and one line zingers! Did you run out of fodder you collected from the little AM radio shows you listen to? Don’t they have fresh material by now? Seems like the “snowflake” and “cucks” commentary are getting a little old.
“I’ll just repeat what I said to another one of your silly responses. I’m not the one who will be fucked over by Trump as president. Nope. Not by a long shot. Its you folks who are more of a waste of carbon matter who shall be.
“If you think I’m crying then you are a fool. For starters I make too much money to be screwed over by Trump’s tax plans. I am too old to be turned into cannon fodder. I had my tubes tied years thus no need for me to be concerned over whatever bullshit he pulls with abortion.”
“Note that pretty much every single person here is calling you out on your bullshit. A wise person might wonder why that could be. Probably because you’ve been conned and we are trying to help you.”
“And yet here we are- you’re another example of someone who’s clearly been brainwashed to believe that its “the liberals” who are the cause of all of your problems. You voted for Trump because you wanted to “get back” at them thar’ lib-rals”
are you capable of reading or just that much of an idiot?
“You Trump people are amazing. Actually you guys remind me of the same folks who in Romania supported their communist leader Nicolae Ceaușescu and in particular his wife, Elena Petrescu.
“Capitalism is about profit. Profit is the opposite of “best price”, so if all you care about is the “best price” then capitalism is the exact wrong way to achieve that.”
“I’ve always said that a lack of proper periods and an abundance of unfinished sentences are the true mark of an intelligent comment.”
and I understand you are blinded
“Cheaper isn’t necessarily the better value, nor is it synonymous with “better”.”
“That is pronounced, invest and profit silly boy... invest and profit.
“No, I think we can very much refute that. That “$4 billion” cost was entirely made up. The GAO said it would be 3.2 and 3.2 is not 4. In any case, the CEO of Boeing didn’t say it would be less than 4 billion, he said they were working on cutting costs. Solid concession there.”
“Have a Trump steak with your trump vodka while reading your trump university handbook at the trump tax mahal
average failure rate of new businesses is 80%
Can you even read?
average failure rate of new businesses is 80%