Land of the Rising SAAB

My 02 EX-V6 Accord Coupe. I bought it 2 years old with 30,000 miles. I had to put a new transmission in it pretty early on and I think the sunk cost fallacy had me by the cajones. It was by far the least reliable car I’ve ever owned and was a bit of a pain to work on just to make matters worse. To top it off, people

It’s like a backwards sense of nostalgia or something.

Yeah you wouldn’t want to blow a seal. I mean, you’re gonna burn oil no matter what, but you blow a seal for real and you’re just not gonna get the compression you need to keep things going.

*Laughter turns to sobbing*

That was the plan all along!

Yep. Just like anything else, single data points don’t paint a picture and you have to consider all the data and, like, think for yourself.

That’s just downright false. COTA is a properly fun track for low downforce cars and makes for some really interesting racing. COTA would set the drivers’ individual skills apart in a very big way.

Whoops. Replied to the wrong person.

If it is the same paint they use on production cars, it’s pearlescent so that would definitely make it look very different depending on lighting.

If anything it isn’t red enough.

That’s optimistic. That thing costed 65k when it drove off the lot a year ago.

That’s a drawn out way to say he sold some bullshit.

White man? Check. How’s the electorate feel about atheists these days?

To this point, trump has given two speeches a teleprompter and after each one, people proclaimed he was starting to look presidential. Is that really all it takes?

I, like you, have a serious problem not clicking on links that I have no interest reading.

Not really obscure or in the wild, but both very rare and both were driven to the race i was at.

An article about traffic to another article... I wish Jalopnik was always this meta.

With the hybrid system, yes. I was just talking about the ICE.