Except that I can think of many circumstances where I’ve actually NEEDED to get from 60 to 0 using the full capacity of my brakes. That scenario doesn’t exist for 0-60 except as a method of measuring and showing off the wedding vegetables.
Except that I can think of many circumstances where I’ve actually NEEDED to get from 60 to 0 using the full capacity of my brakes. That scenario doesn’t exist for 0-60 except as a method of measuring and showing off the wedding vegetables.
Tell that to the many sportscars that are geared to hit 60 in first gear for the sole purpose of being able to report a lower (i.e. shiftless) 0-60 time. I’m looking at you corvette.
When you say “rockets don’t even accelerate that quickly,” what you really mean is “rockets carrying either satellites or people don’t accelerate from 0-60 that quickly.” The acceleration on those types of sensitive payloads is generally capped at about 6 g’s to avoid causing blackouts or stressing the payload. But…
That’s what I was thinking. It’s now a 2-owner car used as a rental and he wants to make what he paid for it several months ago? Lol ok. Welcome to supercar ownership dude.
I tend to agree with that for most cars. 6 speed transmissions are objectively better on the track, but for daily driving I prefer a 5 speed if I have the choice.
Sweaty and sticky with the pungent smell of cattle? By god, you may be right!
Los Angeles. No question.
I’ve been to North Dakota and i can say with some certainty that 40 below DOES NOT keep the riff raff away.
+1 for the user name.
No surprise. Considering the massive federal subsidies Tesla gets, the massive federal subsidies he hopes to leverage at SolarCity, and the massive federal contracts that SpaceX relies on, he’d have to be pretty fucking stupid to burn that bridge.
But the passenger compartment isn’t supposed to deform in an accident anyways... It isn’t part of the absorption structure which was my whole point. The entire goal of crumple zones is to prevent the passenger compartment from deforming otherwise you’re asking the passengers to abruptly fit in a smaller space.
What you said about houses hasn’t been true for more than a decade. If you sell a house that has been your primary residence for more than two years, your profits are untaxed regardless of whether or not you roll it into a new house.
Meh. I got a traumatic brain injury from my steering wheel while wearing a factory seatbelt in a modern car with air bags that did fire correctly. Cage or not you can’t just flail wildly without potentially injuring yourself. Now i drive a convertible without roll hoops and there’s way in hell you’ll convince me no…
You’ve never taken the SATs have you? Comparisons like that make up a sizeable portion of the exam
Reading comprehension guys. He’s saying the ventless HVAC of the model 3 is a useless feature in the same sense that the falcon wing doors were a useless feature in the model x.
I thought you were going to ask if I’d trade my dogs for a car. The answer is yes. 12 years of those fuckers ruining everything I own has been enough.