Not to mention the time it took them to go to the scene and file the report. All in all you’re talking about a minimum of an hour or two off a cop’s time because someone didn’t want to be in a cold car for a couple minutes.
Not to mention the time it took them to go to the scene and file the report. All in all you’re talking about a minimum of an hour or two off a cop’s time because someone didn’t want to be in a cold car for a couple minutes.
Saying it in those words is definitely a dick thing to do, but the point is that this police chief works for his citizens. To tell someone you’re supposed to be protecting and serving to drop dead because he hurt your feelings is inappropriate to say the least.
It isn’t that i can’t describe what I do. It’s that i don’t care to talk about work with most strangers so I’m short with them. Especially if I’m at the bar trying to unwind after an 80 week prepping for a design review.
Stats were from salt lake city PD. They drop a press release every few years reminding people of this. I’m sure your local PD could provide the trends from your area.
Lol. Yep. Swipe text + not proof reading is how I roll.
The reason i call myself a designer it’s because non engineers don’t realize that design engineers basically just do a shit load of analysis. I love my job, but to the non nerdy among us, it’s boring as fuck. I mean, i get excited when I reduce the run time of the nonlinear version of a simulink model do my MC…
Does he actually say he is a studio designer? Design engineers sometimes call themselves designers too (I know I do when I don’t want to talk about what I do for a living) and would know quite a bit of the performance and pricing details regardless of what specific subsystem they’re working. Makes sense that he…
You should call a university. Your ability to assess aerodynamics of a car without CFD would be invaluable and should be communicated to the greater community. My God, this could be one of the biggest breakthroughs in fluid dynamics since we achieved supersonic flight.
It doesn’t sit well with , but I’m torn on whether or not it’s actually wrong. I wouldn’t be at all upset if a neighbor kid came into my driveway to get their frisbee. I don’t scream for legal action when solicitors put door hangers on my door knob. But mistrust police means I do have a problem when they come around.
It isn’t benign. In my area, car thefts increase 4-5 times in the winter because people warm their cars up. That’s 80-85% of car thefts. That strains the police department and means longer response times and ultimately fewer officers out protecting the public.
First off, there’s precedence in supreme court rulings saying he doesn’t need probable cause to enter an ungaurded property. Second, cars have windows and he would have good reason to suspect it was empty by looking through them from the road.
Really? Unless your private property is on unincorporated land, you are still 100% required to comply with all the local ordinances. And the fact that the property wasn’t fenced means the officer can legally enter the driveway and write a ticket. There’s precedence in federal court for this type of case.
There have been supreme court cases saying you’re wrong on that one. Had he hopped a fence, you’d right, but The driveway wasn’t gated so the officer didn’t do anything wrong.
Where I live, car thefts increase 4-5x every winter because people leave them running in their driveway. So instead of the police being able to do their job, they’re just filling a bunch of reports from people who made their own bed when they ignored the well-known ordinance to begin with.
Because if it’s like where I live, they probably warn people alllllll the time and no one listens. Sometimes people just need consequences.
Supposedly, they’re required to leave the car running to avoid a scenario where they need to get to an emergency and the ambulance/car won’t start.
In my area, car thefts increase by 4-5 times in the winter because of people warming up their unattended cars. Do they all result in mayhem? No. Do they contribute a substantial strain on police resources that results in fewer officers to deal with the mayhem officers really need to be dealing with? Hell yeah.
Ideal gas law man. Temperature is a function of pressure and density. The only reason you generally write the speed of sound as a function of temperature is because it’s a simpler equation. You can just as accurately write it as sqrt(bulk modulus / density).
Somehow I don’t think SpreadsheetTube would be very popular, but if you think it’s worth the time savings, I’m down.
Mass production is hardly the only reason accelerometers got cheap though. The type of accel that was expensive before airbags is still expensive now because they’re needed for different applications. The big difference is that airbag accels don’t have to be very accurate over any sort of range. They’re calibrated so…