Land of the Rising SAAB

Cars that have a defect like that are almost BETTER to buy with high miles because for the car to go for that many miles, it either a) had the problem fixed already or b) doesn’t suffer from the defect. It’s highly unlikely for latent defect to function properly beyond its intended design life.

Well and here’s the other aspect. Even if insurance covers other drivers and even if you can cover the additional insurance cost with the money you made sharing, that doesn’t make it any less of a hassle to deal with the additional accidents and repairs you’ll inevitably be dealing with. If you put a dollar amount on

Not to mention driver ability. These are times put down by professional drivers. An amateur driver may be able to get closer to the professional time in some cars than they would in another. Some cars are just more difficult to drive on the edge.

Don’t forget meekrab. I’d eat a whole wet bucket full of shit in a ZL1 Camaro before I ever ate another plate of meekrab.

Obvious answer is obvious.

Maybe in layman’s terms. An explosion has a flame front and a pressure front that both travel at the same velocity. That doesn’t happen without explosives. A pressure front followed by a flame front is called deflagration and is NOT an explosion.

That’s what I’m saying. The only way a battery keeps getting hotter after it’s been powered off is if there’s a defect in the battery. Batteries don’t deflagrate until they’ve hit a few hundredS (plural) of degrees which is something even the Australian sun won’t do even in a car.

Now you seem butthurt that I called you butthurt.

Dude this is a car blog. You want professionalism in your articles, check out NPR. Don’t let your butthurt get in the way of a joke.

He’ll need it for the horrible start he’s inevitably going to have tomorrow.

And you’ve never made a BMW blinker joke?

Meh. DeMuro did some great car experiments and involved the readers in them all while obviously enjoying himself so it’s no wonder he has a following here.

Found the VW owner!

Do you have other personality traits we can generalize for our amusement? If not, we’re just going to have to keep using the bad step dad stereotype.

That’s a low bar, friend. But hey, enjoy your wannabe cop car. :)

There’s a reason we forgot about these cars, Tom. Thanks for bringing them back.

That it’s impressive. Picking a dude up on your shoulders and walking around on the ice like that takes some serious coordination.

He very well could have left his phone in his car because, you know, he wanted to keep it out of the ocean. Wrapping it in clothes would have been to conceal it so someone doesn’t break in to his car to steal it.

There’s nothing in there that can actually detonate. Rapid burning is not an explosion.

The first time I drove one, it took me a solid two or three minutes of hunting on the steering column before the owner came back and pointed out the ignition. I laughed. And it was at that moment that I knew I was going to buy that car.