Land of the Rising SAAB

This seems like something I’ll hate at first, but end up obsessing over as it grows on me.

Yes cars have problems that lead to early and sometimes exensive maintenance. Not only are none of those cars GTIs, but none of those things you listed affect my ability to enjoy driving the car the second i leave the lot. In the context of my very first reply and the thread we’re commenting under, nothing you’re

The comment I responded to, the OP if you will, the comment you’re currently commenting under, it’s about how the new one is the best one.

Yes when I’m stating my opinions, I just assumed people would read them as my opinions. The clutch makes those cars undriveable in MY opinion. If you’re ok immediately buying parts for a $30k car, that’s all well and good, but I will not be modifying a brand new car because I’m already losing enough to depreciation as

From a performance standpoint, you’re absolutely right. From a daily driving standpoint, DCTs are boring and unnecessary (in my opinion of course, you do you), but around a track they rule all day. That said, there’s no doubt the mk7 is faster than the mk6 is faster than the mk5 and so on, with or without a dual

I’m just going to assume you’re saying Zoidberg is cute and adding all those pictures to keep me from sleeping tonight.

No need to get butt hurt man. The fact is I would NEED too install a redesigned CMC just for it to be a daily driveable car which is something I can say about literally no other car I’ve ever driven. So there’s an aftermarket solution. Great. But I don’t NEED that aftermarket solution for mk1-mk5 because the clutch

I can modify any car I buy though. But if I’m buying a $30k car, I don’t want to have to spend money to make it driveable.

You don’t need entertainment when you have scotch.

No way. They’re evil hissing nightmare rodents with really sharp teeth.

A quick car that’s understated, sure, but I want a car that I turn around and look at every time I’m walking away from it, not because I want to look at it, but because it just happens because of how much I like it. The 6 & 7 just didn’t do that for me.

You day that as if just asking us which one we prefer and why wouldn’t also lead to a pissing contest.

See I’m torn on the mk7 (and mk6). They look very vanilla, but i could get over that. The clutch and to a lesser degree the shifter just feel so disconnected. I mean the clutch feels like a momentary switch. It’s either on or off and there’s no weight to it at all. After having one for a week, I still couldn’t get

“The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Especially in regards to thine Skyline, bro.” - The Book Of Jobe

Nah bro. There weren’t any Lambos in there.

I have car insurance. I do not have dog insurance.

It’s true. They live on by absorbing the slowly oxidizing steel of their 4runner counterparts.

Crack? We’re talking about Crack aren’t we?

My 90s may be showing, but I thought it was for Stone Temple Pilots, which contrary to popular belief isn’t just three random words cobbled together. No seriously.