
“While the child’s reaction is obviously disturbing, it doesn’t appear that the police officers actually strike the man, more just take him down and restrain him.”

Is this a joke? I cant tell.

Skyrim nothing. Morrowind had the greatest videogame map of all time. And the thing is, it was a physical map that came packaged with the game.

I still have nightmares about Morrowind’s map and all the asshat quest givers who gave you the worst directions.

It’s nice to see America and Europe modeling their own programs after the others’ (soccer and police brutality, respectively).

omg I read that as “3rd grade porno” and wondered what kind of fucked up elementary school you went to.

I get where you’re coming from, but I think this is different. This isn’t public outrage or a mismanaged player’s union or a botched suspension challenging the league, it’s one of its own sources of power: the ownership. The only way Goodell goes away is if the owners tell him to fuck off, and the owner of a premier

The only advertising allowed is a small poster of a sunglasses wearing Jay Cutler by the cash register at 7-11, with the Surgeon Generals’ warning at the bottom.

I’ve compared the NFL to the big tobacco companies before. Everybody knows they make a fucked up product but it doesn’t matter because people can’t stop using it, and they know it. Get hooked at a young age, enjoy partaking while in the moment, feel like shit later, swear you’ll quit, cave and come back for more,

I want to see the Pats pursue this as far as legally possible and eviscerate Gooddell.

“Back-Channel Conversations”?

Hateable Chelsea Players Ranked:

Weird, it’s almost like the clip wasn’t intended to show actual game action.

Are you trying to tell me that Diego Costa and Cesc Fabregas are a couple of douchebags? GET OUT

He should be in that Pixels movie since he's the human manifestation of the cheating AI in NBA JAM

You're not about to drop the political correctness but do it anyway? Quit looking for ways to be offended.

It did say many. Many people are not gay and are trying to attract the opposite sex.

Yeah that was a pretty obnoxious comment, Alex.

Get over yourself.

You are about to drop the PC thing though.