Charles M. Hagmaier

Who's besmirching Terriers? I loved that show. I just loved it years after it was cancelled, because I hadn't heard of it until somebody on AV Club started citing it as one of the great early-cancelled examples of Shawn Ryan's checkered career. My liking a show is generally not a good sign of its survivability.

I think I had the opposite problem with the show and character. Diane's character was so whiplashed in the last two seasons by the convolutions required to keep Alicia front and center of her own story that it was like Baranski was playing two or three different people, depending on the needs of the story of the

I have absolutely had it with this "woman of color" horseshit. I love Shahi to pieces, but the woman is quite literally an *ARYAN*. Look it the fuck up, Persians are Aryans, Farsi is an Indo-European language, and she is whiter than my Lebanese cousins. Don't fucking waddle in here with your "woman of color"

I was astounded that they could get all that crap through a Get Smart-style candy-machine concealed entrance without anyone noticing. Like, for instance, that poor damned janitor, who has no reason in the world not to report an unprovoked assault by a guy in a suit where he shouldn't have been at his workplace.

LBJ hooked up with half of Washington, and serially groped the other half. Seriously, he made a career out of manhandling politicians as a dominance move.

Nah, that's Andy Serkis.

It gets much worse when you binge while drinking like Jessica Jones. At least once a season I have to backtrack a half episode because I lost track of the plot the night before in a sodden haze.

Well, they did bury Electra afterwards, in what looked like an unmarked plot in that huge graveyard in Brooklyn on the slope over the East River, then the Hand murdered the custodian (presumably after torturing the gravesite out of him) and dug up her corpse for their little necromantic ritual.

Eh, it was trashed, but nothing that some drywall and a good plumber wouldn't fix. Between the Incident, rent control, and Fisk blowing up half of Hell's Kitchen, space has to be at a hellish premium.

Did Jessica move? Because we know her office floor's geography pretty well, and there's no room for Nelson Murdock to be across the hall.

The Electra-Matt "romantic" lines were poorly-aged cheese, goddamn did I hate that. Especially the swan-song lines in front of a bunch of patiently waiting homicidal magic ninjas. Also, I was waiting for Castle to shoot up the bowmen from the moment they got up on the rooftop, until he finally lights 'em up when

If the Iron Fist show manages to capture the spirit of Big Trouble in Little China even a bit, I might be able to deal with glowing-fisted Ser Loras.

So, the kid's name is Danny, and he was plugged into a mystical kung-fu whatsit, both of which kind of whispers "Iron Fist". The actor doesn't *look* like a potential show lead, but neither does Krysten Ritter. I have to wonder if somebody was thinking about the problem… huh, I guess they recent cast Finn Jones while

Reagan era tour groups to the USA were literally given this advice. Command economies always seem to run shortages of passable TP.

A conservative blog linked the article. That's usually how old articles start getting new comments from left field. Have you been on the internet long, or are you suffering from some sort of memory-affecting brain trauma?

"Thoughtfully curated satire" is exactly what I think of when I'm looking for comedy.

He was sort of famous, and occasionally played a guitar. That's sort of adjacent to "famous guitarist", isn't it? To be honest, I just googled him, and I'm still not sure he was the Ramones' guitarist or not. They always seemed like an undifferentiated mass of leather jackets, sunglasses and black hair.

More like their Yoda - a beloved figure tarnished by his association with a loathed hate-figure.

E. Harold Munn? You and slightly more than fifteen thousand other booze-loathing bottle-snatchers, it looks like.

Aw, no, read them, they're alternatively hilarious and touching, especially the first volume. Caro's great, his LBJ is monumentally awful and fascinating.