Charles M. Hagmaier

I didn't know about NY's medical marijuana status, but the business about the financial disenfranchisement of legit marijuana businesses is totally a thing - it's a big problem in Colorado, there's been some reporting in the national media about it. And Eric fucking Holder isn't just screwing the pot people, the

Caleb's also too damn young (based on the expected timeline) to be a big-swinging-dick tech-com CEO/president/lord high privy seal. This isn't 1999, and kids that age, no matter how wunderkind, are, at best, *founding* their first companies, not sitting sleek and smug at the top of a full-blown success.

I sure as hell didn't recognize him - just thought that he kind of looked like Jonny Lee Miller's nephew.

Eeeh… Justified is one hell of a lot of fun, but it's kind of, well, dumb fun. Once you notice that there hasn't been an official murder in the County of Harlan here in the real world in the last decade, this parade of hillbilly horrors starts looking kind of fantastical. I mostly watch it for the lyrical scripting

I find Mad Men amusing (although I'm a good half-season behind, and not really burning with the need to catch up), but it is… fundamentally satirical in a way that The Americans isn't. It's a show more about nostalgic images and ideas about an era than a serious attempt to do a period piece. In its own wacky Marvel

I don't know, it seems like at the center of their problem is that Stan scares Sandra, she doesn't understand what he does, and what he's keeping under all that gentle tentativeness is something she doesn't want anything to do with. Elizabeth and Philip wear their savagery fairly close to the surface, because of

I think he's casting around, and hit a dead end. I kind of like that they're showing one of the many, many dead ends that this sort of work requires. It doesn't help that he thinks she's a spy or assassin, although given his position and the mind-set of counterintelligence, that's understandable. Jesus James

Little bit of column A, little bit of column B. Therapeutic cults like displays of emotion, it's a lever that gives them control on prospects.

I recently found out that one of my friends was taken to Jonestown in the immediate aftermath of the massacre. Supposedly there's a photograph in the news reports of his father holding him up to look over the crowd at the spectacle as the authorities picked through the mess.

He's got to see that the EST method is just rife with spookly possibilities. Even better than getting Stan drunk and whining about his womenfolk.

Am I the only one who made it out of the early Eighties without ever giving a damn about Yaz? They were always just the marker on the shelf that meant that I overshot the Yes tapes I was actually looking for. Synthpop never really hit it big in Pittsburgh and environs, can't speak to the rest of flyover country.

Exactly, although to give them space we never saw the weapon used to shoot at them in the dead zone. It could have been some sort of low-velocity small-calibre weapon like a short .22 rifle or one of those goofy pistols with the extended stocks. Presumably they *weren't* trying to cripple the girl, which gave them a

Cute, but that's a tautological slogan. What I meant to say is that to reduce meaning to the political is to subjugate all of existence to politics. This might make sense in an old Greek polis, but then, Athens executed Socrates, didn't it?

If you equate "political" with "meaning" then you've made one of those terms inessential. I suggest to you that this is a most grievous error.

I tend to prefer the case of the week episodes of Supernatural, because they generally take themselves much less seriously than the arc-ish episodes. Used to feel the same way about The X-Files, so YMMV.

The CIA didn't exist in 1946, nor would it for a few years yet. I'd have to look up the dates to be sure, but I don't even think the immediate predecessors to the CIA existed at this point.

Is there anything which isn't political? If not, then your definition is uselessly overbroad.

You know, I usually get a sick stomach and a strong sense of shame afterwards when I overindulge in public and embarass myself in public like you're doing, whether it's whiskey or a toxic dose of altruisic punishment of an online malefactor. You might want to think about that instead of feeling that sweet, sweet burn

Didn't keep Nightwing from being a thing. Seriously, his original outfits made the old Robin costumes look butch by comparison.

I was just thinking about why Linda Park works better as a love interest than Iris on the show, even though we haven't seen much of her and she's not an especial sweetheart or anything like that - and it must be that what she is aside from "love interest" isn't in the slightest way related to anything Flashy. She's