Charles M. Hagmaier

"The Grimm is in Portland, I don't think he can tell which way our backs are facing."

I'm wondering if they're going to crib from Supernatural and finally start making gestures towards where the various Wesen strains *come* from. Because you can't tell me that hexenbiests are any sort of naturally occurring mutation, no matter how freakzone hypothetical cryptid genetics could get. (That is to say,

Doesn't that basically describe the incident with the exploded engine last episode?

Unless you watch Greenwalt shows. He has a type.

"Why couldn't it be one of the cute, furry wesen? Maybe I'm so hideous it crosses the line into ugly-cute?"
[looks again]
"Nope, still repulsive."

Don't be addlepated. American conservatives are conservators of liberalism. This is why you shouldn't use American political terms in European contexts and vice-versa. In Europe, the conservative is preserving king and country, the Church and aristocratic privilege. In the US, the conservative is preserving the

We're coming to get you, D.R. Darke! - Pennsyltucky Fracking-Juiced Zombie Horde

I figured he was just humoring the barely-reformed religious-fanatic sociopath to keep her on mission, more rational and less rampagey.

I still like the idea that she's sitting on and around those seven servers Root snuck into that Samaritan server-farm, and she's been growing like an ethical cancer inside the Big Bad, parasitizing Samaritan.

Do you have a secret stash of magical bourbon that isn't from Kentucky? I mean yeah, most of today's bourbon is bottled across the Ohio in Indiana or what hae ye, but it's still supposed to be Kentucky whiskey. Although stuff like Clive Mayes is fairly bourbon-like without actually wearing the name…

I read the night-time adult shackling as a sign of a person so fundamentally broken that wearing a set of handcuffs to bed, is the only way she can get to sleep, and that it makes her feel safe and "home".

It's also a sloppy, lame trick. Especially with such a big thread. Pretty much waving at the person doing the breaking in "hi, I'm a wannabe spook". Even if you have a less obvious tell-tale, it still shows your hand and shouts "I've got secrets!"

No assets active, IIRC. Didn't specify dead, most likely because Samaritan doesn't care if you're dead or not, just whether you have instrumentality. Because Samaritan sucks, and only cares about people on a utilitarian basis.

Is it any good? I don't generally react well to music-industry drama - never been tempted to watch Nashville, either. But I have been known to not give a chance to shows I ought to have.

Eh, I don't know. I'm a huge the Good Wife fan, but I'm not sure I'm on board with attributing its excellence to some sort of sui generis talent-for-the-ages of Margulies. I'd like to think that Henson could pull off the role without any hiccups, but I suspect all the folks who insist on seeing the show as a

Well, it didn't look like there were any actual bodies in the rampage - they probably will live. And they didn't actually blow up the factory, which was something I was kind of expecting.

And it let them keep her in a bed with only her head and shoulders showing - win-win! They can keep her in the show until she's actually in the delivery room!

The B plot felt kind of tacked-on - "oh, right, we need to include a procedural number or network will start to get shirty, won't they?"

Yeah, that kind of threw me. Sounded like the writer found himself stuck in an exchange with Finch calling Reese "John" and felt like he had to carry him through calling her by her first name instead of the usual "Miss Grove".

Live in the same house as a man for four seasons, and you're common law married by the laws of the state of BabynetworkTV.