Charles M. Hagmaier

Wouldn't really fit in with the current schema, though. They've been keeping to street creeps and meteor freaks, er, sorry, metahumans.

Well, he's been overdue for a jealousy-fueled hate-on for Iris's superhero crush. He's been way too bland and easy-going so far, it left his character feeling like a bowl of unflavored mush.

She's got a villain ball in her destiny? I dunno, she's eight times as much fun as Iris. And at least they've gotten the geek rapport down this time 'round. Credible-sounding technobabble as "girl talk" gives me the warm and fuzzies.

I kind of like to think of Oliver in that scene like the stereotypical harlot-with-a-heart-of-gold in old Westerns pining over the hero, knowing that she can kiss and tell, but she's still going to die tragically in the third act to make way for the studio-approved gingham-dressed ingenue. With, I suppose, Roy Palmer

If they did, I'd have to keep banishing an image of her in a Missionaries of Charity sari.

Coffee did well replicating Juliette's cadences. There wasn't a hint of "this is actually Adalind", even though that might have been an unintended side-effect of the spell.

The age disparity would be kind of disquieting, they look to be at least ten years' difference. And frankly, he's a waste of space. I wouldn't ship him with a vase, let alone anything with a pulse.

They're *slightly* more practical than switchblades, but yeah, they're showoff weapons.

I kept waiting for post-coitus Juliette to woge. She's gone 'round the hexenbiest pole way too many times to not pick up the zombieface herp.

Oh, the Russian sidekick? Great! I just couldn't take the very, very Canadian-production lameness of Lost Girl, but Kenzi brightened an otherwise very beige series for the two seasons I watched. How do you make a series about an ass-kicking succubus boring? Canadian TV production!

Angry, scorched men with guns? But yeah, that was pretty obviously "plot armor" in play.

He didn't give the code, did he? It was Elias, and it might have been only Elias' code.

Really? I didn't mind that so much, but the bad production work followed by what seemed like an episode-length hair-pulling fight was enough to make me bounce. Leaves me more time to catch up on my trashy pulp novel reading.

No, but I knew it wasn't over when they bombed Pearl Harbor.

That ending orchestrated to "Sinnerman" - damn. Before every other damn show strip-mined the tune to punch up their inconsequential little action scenes… yes, I'm glaring at you, The Blacklist.


I'm pretty sure The A Team was that proof. Half a million rounds of blanks must have been expended in a season, and I don't think anyone got hit once.

Well, I rather think that PoI's Gotham-City-ocity created HR rather than vice-versa. Sort of the same way that rotten meat breeds maggots… while the maggots weren't spontaneously generated, you still can't say that the maggots made the meat.

How about if it features a sibling at the bottom of a well?

I was mildly disappointed when the bomb-safe didn't take down the whole damn building. I had thought that Elias had deliberately emptied out the building of anything squat-able in expectation of this exact scenario, and had been planning on imploding the structure with the boobie-trap. And then the deadfall didn't