Charles M. Hagmaier

No, no neo-classical, old-school Keynesian, or really, macroeconomic-oriented economist would ever say they weren't scientists. Austrian-school economists' whole deal is that they reject the quantified pretense of "science" in favor of a philosophical anti-rationalist approach to the subject which emphasizes local

Two minds in one head is pretty much the Firestorm "thing", isn't it? That dynamic is what keeps him from being another Captain Atom.

Or, you know, a fistful of police-issue zipties at least. That chump who shot the guard had already been brought down once during the armored-car scene.

That's a villain name if I've ever heard one. But then, DC Silver Age writers loved their wackadoodle character names, so it's probably some sidekick character…. (googles) huh. Should have gone with my first instinct.

I don't know, I must have called him a slut a couple times here and there, about when he started sleeping with Glau's character, for no good reason that I could see beyond the basic baw chicka baw wow.

It's not short for Barack?

We call those people "morons".

Because she's not designated eye-candy on Arrow? That would be Amell's job, I suppose…

I wasn't aware that coffeehouses do silly crap like "trivia night", I always assumed that was something that bars do, if only because they're more fun when half the teams are two sheets to the wind and making beer-fueled errors.

It's not so much to elicit an expected answer, but to see if they are prone to obvious answers, and if not, see how they arrive at the nonobvious answer. On the subject of significant Civil War battle, anyone who tells you "Gettysburg" is a credulous chucklehead. Anyone who says "Antietam" is serious if rather

The mark of a truly well-read individual is that he knows many words (and names!) which he cannot properly pronounce.

Congrats, you've discovered the Gell-Mann amnesia effect, which, although it's usually applied to nerd-rage against the media getting your own subject painfully wrong, can also be applied to fiction. I've listened to people have full-body Gell-Mann freakouts over Neal Stephenson's books when they touch on their

Compared with the obvious crapfest that is this week's The Flash's attempt to make their nerds appear clever to the peanut gallery, wittering on about Euler's Identity is positively virtuoso. And also, Finch was playing spook suck-up to Little Miss TechnoPangloss.

Detective Hardpan Fitztwofisted

Woah, thanks for mentioning that. Ashley Grable! She wrote a couple of not-particularly-good episodes on the first, not especially good season of Buffy. Looks like she's more of an actual producer than a writer these days, and there's probably a reason for that. That is, actually, the sign of a stretched writing

All the flesh wounds in this episode kind of pissed me off. It's very… rote. And it will complicate the next few episodes unless they episodically forget that Reese has his arm in a sling.

Well, he is a forged public servant, and I assume the "Jack" is just for maximum masculinity.

Eh, the court has effectively put her in the position of in loco parentis. Which probably isn't a terrible thing for Cary, his father is a monumental douche, and if his mother's still alive she's a complete nonentity from what we've seen. Boy seems in need of some long-deferred parenting. And he *does* seem to be

There are enough "pop" origins for the name - Grace Jones, Grace Slick, etc - that it didn't need to be religiously motivated. For all we know she's named after a great-grandparent. Very WASPy folk like the Florricks are prone to naming children after relatives.

Yes, but it also abused them terribly. Liu was typecast for a decade afterwards….