Charles M. Hagmaier

"The women are strong, the men are good looking, and all the children are above average." Man, I loathe Keillor (speaking of smarmy little Americana-pimps..) and I still remember that tag.

Only if it were AMC being bought by the BBC, I think.

I only got five minutes into the third episode before I noped. I think I made it a couple more episodes into Forever before writing *that* one off as a wet squib. I think The Flash is the only new show I've kept up on so far this season… on the other hand, I'm catching up on dead partial-season soldiers like Awake

Jesuits are, traditionally, well-known for being the intellectual shock-troops of philosophical Catholicism. More recently (Vatican II era, less so recently) they're very much on the left wing of the church. Basically, your stereotypical Jesuit is inquisitive, highly and rigorously educated, and either a crunchy-con

The meaning of life is that God is trying to kill you?

"Every prophet in her house."

I guess we're supposed to take Reese for the protagonist, and Jim Caviezel for the star, but frankly he hasn't been since about halfway through the first season, and definitely not since Shahi joined the cast. Michael Emerson really took over the show - it's his voice we hear in the opening, Finch's story that drives

Yeah, I can intellectualize it that way, my point was more about my initial emotional reaction. "The heart wants what the heart wants", and apparently my heart wants stoic, reserved characters talking tersely about anything other than their feelings. I likewise got crabby when Carter and Reese started getting

There are like a half-dozen Hulk villains along those lines, but the two obvious ones have already appeared in the 2008 movie, which I *think* is still considered MCU canon. No sign the MacLachlan character has anything to do with gamma radiation, though. Whole setup is already overhung with alien-DNA signifiers.

Man, I want to play cards with *you*.

I dunno, Kyle looks like the kind of scrambled daddy-knows-best loon who would be named Poots and give a daughter a name like "Mary Sue". Was I mistaken, or was he driving a thirty-year-old station wagon away from his hideout?

Yeah. To the point that I was listening to the record last night. "N-n-n-no-nooobody's fault but mine…"

I usually use bathos to mean "pathos taken beyond its proper place", or "a display of unearned emotionality or anguish". I consider Arrow to be a veritable bathos-farm, for instance. Finch and Root just didn't have that sort of rapport with "Miss Groves" before this season, and up to this episode it's been

As much as he brags about it, PoI has been relatively restrained compared to, oh, say - Lost. Or The Blacklist.

"The stone that the builder tossed aside, has been made the corner-stone."

It seems rather silly for a meta-character that is nothing if not pretentious and self-regarding. The Smoke Monster prefers much more patriarchal and impressive totems, like Christian and Locke.

Locke's woo-woo spiritual panglossian BS seems tailor-made to fail an addict in dealing with his addiction long-term. There's a reason that business about "a higher power" is in the twelve steps, and it isn't because the addict has the strength within himself to conquer his addiction by his own strength of character.

Reddick just doesn't have the affect of Akinnuoye-Agbaje (and good god, I totally agree with the difficulty of spelling that name - it comes from a language group I am completely and totally unfamiliar with, so it just looks like seriously mis-spelled Japanese, which my mind keeps trying to re-arrange in its proper

Cliches have their origins in something distinct and earned, and I tend to feel that way about Mr. Eko. Unlike whatshisname from the Blacklist, Reddington's surviving sidekick, whose sole and total backstory seems to consist of "oh, he's a former child soldier I recruited decades ago".

I don't know how many cord-cutters are out there, but I haven't had TV since 2005. I generally watch the previous evening's shows when I wake up at 5 AM before work - well, the ones I really care about. Goofy superhero shows like the Flash, Agents of SHIELD and Arrow can wait until the evening after.