Charles M. Hagmaier

Y'know, Olmos' actual kid was an actor on the show - Bodie Olmos played the rookie pilot "Hotdog". And he's kinda still in the same general ethnic phenotype as Bamber. Eddie Olmos *looks* swarthier because of his truly catastrophic complexion, which makes him signify more "exotic" than his genes really probably

Wasn't that Jim'll Fix It?

"Vending machine"? Is that what we're calling Mary Matalin these days?

Eh, here and there. Jonah Goldberg adored it, and got me to go back and watch it after not seeing it during its original run. I seem to remember someone saying, basically, "the truth is conservative" - it doesn't matter if your reporter is a red-diaper five-alarm Trotskyite with anarcho-syndicalist chasers, if he

He's a journalist who works in TV fiction, not a filmmaker. And sadly, his professionalism is about as wide as his political tolerances. I find it amusing that he's so popular on the neocon right, when he loathes us all with such heartfelt abandon.

Really? I watched the first season pirated from British TV, as for some damn reason SciFi didn't air the follow-on to the mini series until months after it had aired on… hmm, I want to say Sky? The whole series was one of the few worth buying on DVD for the extras alone. Seemed like Ronald Moore felt the need to do

I assumed that meant "Jim Rockford", with the suggestion that a fictional TV dick was to blame for it.

I seem to remember one forties-era movie of The Reluctant Widow, and then nothing. You'd think stage actors would love Heyer, it's all wordplay and broad character humor.

Because the complaints seem to be coming from Lovecraft aficionados, and at least a significant minority of Lovecraft fans tend to be fundamentally weak on the difference between fiction and scholarly work?

But-but-but- status marker! Virtue displayed through our entertainment choices! Taste as a demonstration of our election! How will people know we've been justified if we don't watch the right shows?

Katey Sagal ended up with a surprisingly respectable post-Married With Children career in drama TV.

Nah, he's definitely a Kripke.

They ought to be happy they're not being compared with Kripke. I'm probably a Stuart.

How many episodes did you try? I came to the Wire pretty late in the game last winter, but blew through all five seasons as quickly as Amazon's free shipping terms allowed.

Really? Back when it was on the air, the consensus (and I agreed thoroughly with said consensus) was that Buffy 5 was kind of plodding and underwritten, and lost its balance between humor and angst. It had a couple great individual episodes, but overall, a little undercooked. Then the sixth season came along, and

It's my understanding that the English have us beat five ways from Sunday on that one, even with our national obesity issues.

I was watching the pilot of The Last Ship via Amazon, and was confused when at the "episode" half-way point it suddenly segued into what looked like the last five minutes of Planet Terror with alien ground-attack craft instead of zombies. It was… disorienting. Apparently somebody decided to advertise them by pairing

He's never going to move on past that part of his life, because the Television Gods have damned him to be the designated office wooby in a slightly-off-kilter police procedural. See above, "The Closer without Kyra Sedgwick not the carnival ride you would have expected".

I was amazed to discover that it's still in production. I only lasted through the first season, and no, The Closer without Kyra Sedgwick was *not* the thrilling funride you would have thought it would have been.

I dunno, the ending of the first season felt right to me. There just wasn't much running space in those characters and that setting for anything more. They were so… wonkily small-time. It would have by necessity to have gone from SoCal comedic noir to something more like Psych. And Psych had pretty much